Chapter 46

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"If you are her boss, then I am her husband, I have every right to hold MY WIFE." Vikram said tightening his hold around me and I didn't dared to turn around to look at Omkaraji's face. I couldn't see that broken look on his face, it would break me.

"Let's go home, Doll." Vikram murmured into my hair as I heard him punch the elevator buttons.

The journey was a silent one since neither Vikram nor I didn't spoke anything. My mobile pinged as we reached the hotel in which Vikram was staying at.

Gauri, I am sorry, Ricky called me asking where you are? And I said you went to office to give some file to your boss. I don't know, Vikram was planning to visit you.


I played with my fingers not knowing what to reply, I myself was too shocked to register all the things that were happening, I just slipped my mobile into my handbag as Vikram offered his hand for me to get down.

"Rii___" Ricky shouted as he hugged me tight, as soon as I entered into the penthouse suite in which Vikram was staying in.

"I missed you, Ri." Ricky squeezed me as I loosely returned back him hug.

"I missed you too."

"What happened? Why are you sounding so low?" Ricky asked as he released me from his hug and began to observe my face. "You were crying." He stated looking into my sore eyes.

"Ricky, at least let her get inside the room." Vikram spoke from behind me and Ricky moved aside to let us walk inside.

"What happened, Gauri?" Ricky asked softly as he sat beside me on the sofa after Vikram went out to meetbsome client, "Did your boss scolded you?"

I shook my head in 'No' as tears began to pool in my eyes once again as I remembered Omkaraji and Ridhimma's kiss.

"Did... Did he misbehaved with you or did something inappropriate__"

"No." I said cutting off. "He.. He didn't did anything."

"Then, what made you cry, Gauri?" Ricky asked as he kneeled in front of me. "You can tell me, remember I am your best friend."

"Om.. Omkaraji was kissing Ridhimma." I cried.

"Omkaraji?" Ricky asked confused. "Your boss?"

"Yes, when I went to speak with him in his cabin, I found him in a intimate position with Ridhimma."

"Shh... Don't cry, Ri." Ricky said as he wiped my tears off and cupped my face between his palms making me look at him, "Do you love him, Gauri?" He questioned looking straight into my eyes.

I nodded with a heavy heart.

"I never had an intention to fall in love with him, Ricky. It's... It's just, I don't know, how, when or why... It hurts Ricky. I can't do this to Vikram, I am feeling disgusted of myself for hurting people."

"Ri, don't blame yourself." Ricky said sternly, "You can't control your feelings and Love it just happens."

"I don't know, Ricky, I love Omkaraji, that it hurts and I can't leave, Vikram. I don't know, what to do." I cried as Ricky hugged me.

"Doll... " Vikram called softly making me look at him.

"Vikram... " I said looking at him shocked.

"Do you really love him, Doll?" Vikram asked looking into my eyes. "Don't lie cause I know when you lie."

"Yes, but I don't want to leave you, Vikram." I said clutching his arm tight.

"We already spoke about this, Gauri." Vikram said looking at me sadly as he removed my hand.

"Vikram, no, please... I don't want to leave you, Vikram." I cried falling on the ground as Vikram walked out of the door.

"Ri, please control yourself." Ricky consoled wrapping his arms around me.


It hurts.

It hurts like someone was poking draggers in my chest but my body felt numb.

I felt empty.

The only thing that was in my mind was : "Gauri's a married woman and I can never have her."

That thought made my heart bleed.

Shock was a small word when I got to know that Gauri was married to Vikram Thakur, The CEO of Thakur Industries.

My dreams and hopes are shattering in front of me and I am helpless as I can't do anything.

I Loved her.

I loved Gauri ; My stupid heart stupid heart still loves her even though my brain chastises that it was wrong to love a married woman, who cannot be mine.

I Love Gauri.

I realized that I never loved anyone as much as I loved my assistant, even when Ishaana stranded me at the alter, I didn't felt this pain and sorrow that I am experiencing now.

"Omkara." Ishaana's sad voice came as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"She can never be mine, Ishu and It hurts." I said poking my index finger at my heart.

"Om, Please don't cry." Ishaana said heavily as she wiped my tears.

"I couldn't bear this pain, Ishaana, it's too much for me. Why does this have to happen with me, when all I asked was a happy life with The One, I Love."

"Omkara... "

"Omkara." Samar said wrapping his arm around my shoulder making me look at him with teary eyes. " I know how you are feeling, cause I have been through that pain, that you are feeling now. But Omkara, God might be having some different plans for you, trust the game of destiny."

"Yes, Omkara, Samar's right, have trust and stay strong."

"I can't, Ishaana, I can't act like I am strong, when everything inside me broken into pieces and hurting me like hell." I shouted with tears rolling down my eyes.

"Omkara, please control yourself." Samar consoled.

"Why does this has to happen to me?" I cried falling down in my knees.

"Mr.Oberoi." A deep baritone voice came from behind making me turn around.

"Mr.Thakur." Samar was the first one to speak.

"Can I speak with you for a few minutes in private, Mr. Oberoi?" Vikram Thakur asked looking at me.

I nodded my head and he walked towards the garden area as I followed him.

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