Chapter 44

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Don't know what came over me that I hugged my boss today, may be I was feeling emotional. It's been a great day that I spent with Omkaraji and his family. After a long time, I experience what it feels like to be with a family. After my father, I never had parental love in my life. But today Omkaraji's parents made me experience it once again. It really feels good to be in Omkaraji's company, sometimes he may be annoying and frustrating with his mood swings and childishness.

I was laying on my bed feeling sleepless even after the clock struck 1 at the night. I missed Anika and how we used to binge Netflix with popcorn and pizza in the weekends when Shivaay bhaiyya was away from the town on his business works. I tried to call her earlier but the call went to her voice mail. I rolled in my bed trying to get some sleep and finally when it came, my phone rang making me wake up groaning and I looked at the phone and found Omkaraji's name displaying.

"Why's he calling me at this hour?" I thought lifting the call.


"Hello Mam, we are calling from Happy Events Arena." A boyish voice came making me wonder who was calling me from Omkaraji's phone.

"Who are you? Where is Omkaraji?" I asked sitting on my bed in attention all the sleep vanishing.

"Mam, the person to whom this phone belongs to, had passed out here after drinking heavily. Your number was in emergency contact list, so I called you to take him home." The boy said from the other side.

"What? Where is he now?" I asked grabbing my purse on the vanity table and already pulling my coat.

"Happy Events Arena, 2 nd block near The West Gate, Mam." The boy told the address.

"Okay, I will be reaching there shortly please take care of him till then." I said rushing out of my apartment, praying for find a taxi at this hour.

"Thanks for the ride." I said giving money to the old driver, who drove me to the location the boy said. I rushed towards the entrance to find Omkaraji and found him passed out near the bar area with his head laying on the bar table.

I quickly reached him passing across a few workers, who were clearing the mess from the party.

"Omkaraji." I called shaking himby his arm.

"Who's that? Disturbing my sleep?" He mumbled pushing my hand away.

"Omkaraji, it's me Gauri." I said softly.

"Gauri?" He said waking up and turning in his chair in my direction.

"Yes, Gauri." I said now standing in front of him.

"Gauri... " He said again and stood up but lost his balance and fell on me.

"Omkaraji!" I squealed trying to balance him heavy body and seeing my trouble two workers came and pulled Omkaraji from me.

"Thank you." I said to the two workers, who are now holding Omkaraji on either side by his arms, "Can you please help me take him till the car?" I requested.

"Sure, Mam." The older looking person said and he nodded at the young boy with him and they both began to carry Omkaraji towards his car.

I took out the key from Omkaraji coat pocket and opened the car doors for the workers to strap him inside.

I thanked them once again and drove Omkaraji towards his home.

"Thank you Stephen." I said as Stephen helped me to lay Omkaraji on his bed.

"My pleasure, Mam." Stephen said with a bow, "Call me if you need something." He said and exited the room closing the door behind.

Sighing, I removed his shoes and covered his properly with the Duvet.

"This Jatadhari won't even let me sleep peacefully." I mumbled and he frowned in his sleep.

"Now what happened?" I thought and found him having trouble with his hair falling in his face disturbing his sleep and tried to tuck it.

God, his hair was softer than mine, so smooth in texture that I began to feel it with my fingers. I really have to ask some tips from him about hair care.

I tucked the hair behind his ears and saw him sleeping peacefully like a baby.

"How can someone sleep so beautifully." I thought watching him sleep with his long lashed eyes closed.

I glanced towards the watch and found it was way late and thought if leaving to my apartment and began to move, Suddenly Omkaraji held my hand that was laying beside his hand on the bed.

"Gauri." He mumbled in his sleep stopping me from moving.

"Yes." I said trying to get my hand out of his hold.

"Don't leave." He mumbled sleepily tightening the hold on my hand.

"I have to go home, Omkaraji." I said softly.

"Stay with me."

"Why? I am working for the whole day staying by your side in the office and now you want me stay and work at night too." I mumbled slowly trying to removing his grip on my hand but he pulled my hand hugging it.

"Jatadhari, Looks arrogant but is like a baby. Who asked you to drink so heavily and pass out. Now you gonna suffer from hangover tomorrow." I scolded his sleeping form.

"Thank God." I mumbled after successfully removing my hand from Omkaraji.

"Gauri, don't leave me." Omkaraji mumbled, "I Love you, Gauri."

Well, this is a compensation update cause Vikram's entry didn't happened as planned.

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