Chapter 3

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I looked from the papers to Vikram, who was looking at anything else but me.

"What is this, Vikram? " I asked as my voice came heavily.

"Gauri, please understand. Whatever I am doing it's for your own good." Vikram spoke looking down.

"How can you do this to me, Vikram? You took such a big decision without even asking me?" I cried.

"Gauri, I am sorry." Vikram said trying to pull me into a hug but I backed off.

"You wanted to get rid of me? " I cried with tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Gauri... " Vikram said with a hurt look but was cut off by Ricky.

"Shut Up, idiot." Ricky shouted, "you spoiled her special day." He said as he wrapped his hands around me for a comforting hug.

"Gauri, what ever I am doing is for your own good. Please try to understand." Vikram tried to convince me.

"No... I am not gonna sign that papers." I shouted.

"Gauri, please... Try to understand."

"You try to understand,Vikram." I said, "I don't want to go away from you all, I don't want to go to Paris."

"Gauri, it's a good opportunity. Only lucky people gets a chance to work with Blue sky Industries. And you are lucky that they accepted you to work with them, you can learn a lot from there, Gauri." Vikram tried to convince me.

"I don't want to go away from you, Vikram."

"Who said you gonna go away from me. I will come to visit you whenever I get free, even I can't stay away from my doll." Vikram said cupping my face.

"Then why are you sending me away? Can't I learn the work by working with you in your office? " I asked looking into his eyes.

"Gauri, you believe me right? " Vikram asked cupping my face and I nodded. "Do you think I would be happy sending you away from me? " He asked and I nodded no.

"As much as I want you to be near me, safe and protected. I will only end up destroying your career if I let you work with me." Vikram said making me look at him confused.

"You see, Ri. Everyone here knows that you are my wife and no matter what they can't be strict with you, being afraid of me. They can't treat you like a normal employee and you can't learn anything. So, I want you to go to Paris to work with Blue sky Industries like a normal graduate student and learn the things like a normal way. By that way you can get to know about highs and lows everything which makes you strong to work in the line of work, you gonna work in the future. I promise that as soon as you complete your interning with the Blue sky, you can join me in my business." Vikram said in a convincing tone.

"Okay." I said reluctantly.

"Thank you for understanding." Vikram said hugging me and I hugged back. From the corner of my eye, I can see Ricky still pissed off because of Vikram's sudden plan about sending me to Paris.

"Don't try to kill me with your eyes, Ricky." Vikram said calmly as Ricky glared at him.

"I still am pissed about your decision, Mr. Thakur. Why the hell are you sending her away." Ricky asked furiously.

"Ricky, I already explained. It's for her own good. Don't you want to see her in a good position?" Vikram said calmly.

"Fine." Ricky said still angry. "I will see you both tomorrow." He said as he walked outside.

I sat on the sofa along with Vikram watching TV.

"Ri, are you still angry on me? " Vikram asked as he turned to face me.

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