Chapter 1

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I was standing in the middle of nowhere, where I am surrounded by the emptiness and the dark clouds  that are spreading in the sky indicating the arrival of the storm. I stood there in silence with two paths in front of me, not knowing which one to choose. Why does my life always have to be this complicated where I always end up with two best choices. If I choose one I will regret leaving another one. If I choose another one, I will end up loosing the first one. I can't loose either one and at the same time I can't make a choice between both the ways. I stood there with darkness enveloping me from all sides until suddenly a bright light began to appear. It was very bright that I couldn't see the source of it, I groaned in frustration unable to see anything in that bright light when all of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder and a familiar manly voice calling me. I paid attention to listen to the voice.

"Gauri, wake up! " The voice said shaking me.

"Huh?" I opened my eyes in confusion and found myself between the familiar peach colored walls. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleepiness.

"Good Morning, Ri." I heard the same manly voice that made me wake up from my strange dream.

"Good Morning." I smiled brightly at the source of the voice. "How many times, I have to say not to open the curtains when I am sleeping." I complained pouting.

"How many times, I have to say that you have to wake up early, so that you don't skip breakfast before you rush to the college." He said in the same tone as mine raising an eyebrow.

"But,I want to sleep for a few more minutes." I pouted making him chuckle.

"Now, raise and shine Princess, If you forgot, let me remind you that today is the day you are finally graduating from the college!" He exclaimed cheerfully with a childish excitement. "And we don't want to be late on your special day. Do we? " He said making me smile at his antics.

"I remember it but I am feeling nervous and all excited." I said looking at him as he opened my wardrobe to take choose an outfit for me.

"There is nothing to feel nervous about, Ri." He said selecting the outfit with his back facing me. "You are one strong girl and there is nothing to feel afraid of and besides I will be there with you to support when  you give your thanksgiving speech. So, stop being scared and naming it nervous." He said turning towards me with a pink colour Salwar suit in his hands.

"As for the excitement, even I am feeling excited to see you graduating. Hell, I didn't felt this type of excitement even when I graduated." He said smiling brightly as he placed the outfit on my bed. "Now, go get ready soon, we have to go to your Shankerji's temple before we go to the college for your graduation ceremony." He said pushing me towards the washroom.

When I reached the downstairs after getting ready, I found him placing plates in the dining table for the breakfast. And when he saw me, he smiled brightly.

"I was waiting for you, Ri." He said taking my hands in his as he walked me towards the table. "Look, I prepared your favourite Pancakes with strawberries." He said placing the pancakes in my plate.

"Umm... It was yummy as always." I said relishing the sweet taste of strawberry in my mouth.

"When's Papa ji coming from his business tour." I asked eating my food.

"I called him just before you came down and he said he still has some works to complete."

"Oh.. Okay." I said taking my plate to the sink to wash.

"Let it be there, Ri. I will wash it up later. Now come let's go to your college." He said taking away the plate from me and pulling me with him.

The names of the students were being called out and the very enthusiastic and cheerful students are making their way to the stage to receive their Graduation certificates, everyone gave a small thanksgiving speech and proudly showed off their certificates. I was feelings nervous and began to fidget with my duppata when a big hand landed in my small hands.

"Stop being nervous, Doll. You will be alright. I know you are going to rock today. I believe you." He said placing his lips softly in my forehead kissing me in a assuring way.

I smiled lightly still feeling nervous.

"Gauri Sharma." My name was called and I stood up to made my way towards the stage.

I received my graduation certificate and posed for a picture and now it's time for my thanksgiving speech. I stood in front of the Mic and I saw him sitting in the crowd looking at me and nodding his head encouragingly. I took a deep breath as I started speaking.

"Good Morning everyone, as most of you know I am Gauri Sharma. I prepared a good speech staying awake at nights searching in internet but now when  I stand here, I feel loss of words with the happiness of graduating finally, making me overwhelmed. Starting today we are going to step into the new phase of our lives, where we are going to experience a lot of things, life is not going to be the same and it's gonna change for good. It's time for us to make more wise decisions and face the challenges that life throws at us. One thing I have to say is never loss hope in your life, try to find the light even in the darkest situations in your life without lossing hope and you will definitely will find one. Now our lives are in our hands, enjoy them to the fullest and make the best memories out of it. Live the life without any regrets and worrying about anything or anyone, people gonna judge you anyway, why waste our life worrying about them. I wish you all a bright future ahead and thanks for everyone without whose help we may not be graduating today and a special thanks for the person, who encouraged and motivated me to continue my studies and had guided and supported me in my every step, without whose help I may not be standing here today in front of you all, A big special thanks for my husband, Vikram Thakur.

Tadaa... How's that twist in the tale? ^_^

Yeah, I can hear the dil toot feelings of Rikarian's already but we have to experience some rain before a rainbow. Anyways the thing is first few chapters there will be Gauri-Vikram scenes but please put up with that because that's important for the story to progress.

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