Chapter 20

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"Meet Vaishali, Amaya and Rishika." Ridhimma said introducing a few more woman, who were plastering big fake smiles on their make up caked faces. God! Why did I got struck here.

I groaned internally as Riddhima began to boast to her friends about how close we both are, which I am totally unaware of!

"You know what, Amaya. Om baby and I used to go for the same college and you know people in our college always used call us best pair." Ridhimma said still clinging to my side.

"You both look good together, what a cute couple." Her friend said in a fake adoration.

In the corner of the Hall, I can see Mr. Nanda looking at his daughter and me with hearts in his eyes. I am sure those hearts are not for me but for my money. I was tolerating this stupid woman only because, I don't want to humiliate her in front of the whole crowd of people, who are also unfortunately my father's and Mr. Nanda's close friends and business associates.

Not far from us, I can see Gauri speaking animatedly with Mr. Roy, who was looking totally spell bound. What's wrong with these men can't they leave a lady free for a few minutes. Bloody buggers always swirling around the ladies like the flies around the delicious dish.

"Om baby." Ridhimma's annoying voice came making me avert my glance from Gauri.

"What." I asked coldly.

"My baby's angry on me?" Ridhimma said with a pout, "for not paying attention." She said with a aww making me roll my eyes at her delusion.

"Ridhimma, I think I should go and speak with Mr. Parker." I said prying her hands off me.

"Oh baby, Mr. Parker just excused himself to attend a important call." Ridhimma said clutching my hand.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Mr. Roy asking Ms. Sharma for a dance and she agreed! What's wrong with this girl?

"Om baby, come let's go and dance." Ridhimma said pulling me along with her.

While I stood there on the dance floor watching my assistant dance with Mr. Roy happily probably laughing over some stupid joke he cracked, while Ridhimma was busy grinding herself on me.

I should really take class for Ms. Sharma about staying away from the strangers especially the male species. Can't she see how they all were looking at her like she was their favourite piece of cake.

What's your problem if they see's her? My subconscious mind mocked.

She's my assistant and she was here because of me, it's my responsibility to make sure my staff are good. Yes, I am feeling responsible for my staff nothing more nothing less, besides people try to prey assistants to get details about the company secrets they are working with.

"Om baby." Ridhimma purred tracing her bony finger along my jaw making me look at her.

"You know, you are the most handsome man I had ever seen and I have been adoring you since our high school." She said and I know where she was leading the conversation to.

"You were my first crush and I always loved you, Om." She said, "When I read about Ishaana and You getting married I was hurt and depressed but now that Ishaana was gone for good, I am happy that I can you all to myself." She said giggling like a school girl.

What am I? A chocolate or cookie that you can have it all for yourself. Silly woman.

She glanced back towards her dad, Mr.Nanda, who was dancing with a woman just a few feel away from where I am standing. They made a nod looking at each other in a silent agreement. What was the evil minded Father and Daughter duo conspiring about? I wondered.

"Omkara." Ridhimma said looking straight in my eye, "I had made a mistake by delaying to express my love to you one that almost lost you but this time I don't want to repeat the same mistake again."

What was she up to?

She slowly slipped her hand into the folds of her glittery gown and I got a glimpse of a black box which is undoubtedly had a ring in it.

Shitshitshitshit... This mad woman is planning to humiliate both her and I in front of the people by proposing me in the middle of the dance floor! How come I didn't guess this foolish plan of the Nanda's? I cursed myself.

Ridhimma began to lower herself of her knee.

"Omka... "

"Ridhimma, I want to use washroom immediately." I said and dashed away towards the gents washroom and locked the door securely.

"Om baby, are you okay." Ridhimma asked pounding on the door.

"I am fine, give me few minutes." I shouted back leaning against the door thinking about various plans to escape from this stupid woman.

After a few minutes walking to and fro in the washroom and failing to find out the secret passages that can lead me out of this situation, I stepped out of the washroom cursing after making sure that Ridhimma or her father's no where near.

I began to move discreetly trying to find my assistant so that I can slip away from here before facing the humiliation. I looked around and didn't found Gauri anywhere.

"Where did this girl has gone? " I cursed myself for getting her to this place.

I began to search for Gauri but failed to locate her. Instead I found Mr. Nanda standing near the exit like a lion waiting for his prey while Ridhimma was searching for me between the crowds. Great! Now I can't even escape without Mr. Nanda noticing and informing his daughter about me.

Ridhimma turned towards my direction and I immediately took cover behind the plants that was located in a corner of the Hall and began to move back making sure I was hidden from her.

"Ouch! " A voice which sounded like Gauri's yelp from behind me.

"You idiot, can't you see, you stepped on my foo___" Gauri scolded and stopped when she saw me.

"Ms. Sharma, what are you doing here in the corner? " I questioned her.

"You are supposed to apologize not to question, Jatadhari Hippie?" She mumbled inaudibly but I heard it.

"Did you say something, Ms. Sharma? " I asked acting oblivious.

"No, sir." Her response was immediate, "nothing." She said smiling.

"Why are you hiding here? " I repeated my question.

"Woh... Neel ji went to speak with Mr. Parker and When people found that I was alone without company they began to ask for a dance which I was not interested in, so, I came here away from them." Ms. Sharma said, "And what are you doing here, Sir? " She asked raising a brow suspiciously.

"I found the plants interesting and came to take a closer look at them." I lied maintaining my rigid demeanor.

"Oh! Great. I never thought of you for a person interested in anything other than  business and roasting people." She said the last sentence in a low voice but I heard it again.

"Then I must say you don't know anything about me fully, Ms. Sharma." I said.

"Yeah, may be you are right." She said. "But I know one certain obvious thing." She said.

"What was that? "

"That, Ms. Ridhimma was searching for you and probably found you." She said gesturing towards my back.

"Shit." I cursed as Ridhimma waved in my direction cheerfully walking towards me.

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