Chapter 7

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It's been a month since our new boss made his entry into the office. From that day my life became stressful with him barking commands for every five minutes and taunting for my mistakes. Sometimes I wish I can just throw his hot black coffee on his face along with my resignation letter but again I resist myself from doing so. Vikram won't be happy if I do so, no pain no gain was his policy. Duh!

Today was Friday and hopefully I can get away myself from this annoying human being for two days since it's weekend from tomorrow. I don't know what my boss's problem is, he always have a scowl etched on his face and looks like someone stole his favourite cookie.  Even Ash, my neighbors dog doesn't bark as much as my boss barks on his employees. Stupid, Akdu Nandi bail.

"Ms.SharmA." His voice boomed in the intercom. "In my office in 5." He barked orders and I ran like a runner in the Marathon towards his office. Who knows what else he will say if I get late even by a second. Lately I was thinking to resign this job and join in Olympics running marathons at least I will be spared from barking of this douche bag.

I tapped on his cabin door gently before entering.

There he sat in his leather chair wearing a black armani suit and spectacles sitting on his nose as he typed in the laptop with at most concentration.

"Ms.Sharma." He said looking up from his laptop.

"Yes sir. "

"Here, take these files of Austin Arc." He said taking out a bundle of files from his desk's drawer and keeping them on the table or more like throwing.

I silently took them and stood there for his further instructions.

"Study them carefully and prepare a presentation." He said. "And I want you analyse and proof read the documents in that blue file and draft contract papers for our deal with the Austin company. I want all those things to be done by tomorrow morning." He said and flicked his hand as if gesturing me to leave.

Arrogant jerk, so rude.

"Ermm... Sir? " I called him carefully.

"What? " He asked with a scowl.

"It's Saturday tomorrow." I reminded the arrogant jerk.

"So, what?" He asked irritated. So what!? Unlike you I am a human you monster, I need rest, you Akdu.

"It's my off day tomorrow." I said him patiently.

"Listen, Ms. Sharma." He said rudely, "You are my personal assistant that means you get an off only when I give you. And tomorrow I will be working, which means you too will have to work with me and you don't have an off tomorrow. Now go and get that work done, I am not paying just to stand here and make excuses. Get the work done by tomorrow." He said or barked as he looked in to the laptop.

I walked back into my small cabin and placed the files on my table as sat on my chair huffing.

"Idiot, has the torture of whole week has fallen short that now he was asking me to work even on the weekends." I huffed grabbing the files to proof read.

"Hey Ri, it's Friday! Let's order some pizza and watch Netflix." Anika said excitedly as she hopped into the kitchen.

"Sorry Anika, I can't my douche bag boss gave me tasks to complete." I said making coffee for myself.

"It's weekend, Ri." Anika said.

"Yes, but I have to work even tomorrow, Boss's orders." I said exhausted.

"You really have a monster in disguise as your boss. If I were you, I would have killed him by mixing poison in his black coffee." Anika said making me laugh.

"I wish I could do that." I said laughing. "Have fun, Anika. I gotta work." I said moving towards my room to prepare the presentation for my monster boss.

Finally, I completed all the works given to me by my boss. By the time I completed the presentation, I was totally exhausted and the clock on my bedside table showed 4 am.

"Great! Now I am not even gonna get to sleep on what was supposed to be a perfect weekend. Since My arrogant akdu boss is having a meeting at 8 am."

I made a coffee for myself to shoo away my sleep but my eyelids felt heavy due to lack of sleep. Visible dark circles and puffiness covering my eyes.

I showered and got ready, I am early by an hour so, I decided to prepare breakfast for Anika and me.

I reached my office balancing all the files my boss gave me in both my hands, when I collided with something hard making everything fall down on the ground but thankfully I was saved from landing on the floor with two strong hands wrapping around me.

I looked up and saw a pair of mocha brown eyes staring at me in amusement. After I steadied myself on my feet, I took a good look of my saviour in front of me, he was strong and well built with his black hair neatly gelled up wearing a pair of jeans and leather blazer on his white V neck t-shirt.

"Enjoying what you see? " He asked amused embarrassing me.

"It's okay, I know I am handsome and drool worthy." He said proudly flicking his hair.

"Thank you for saving me earlier." I said.

"Pleasure's all my beautiful lady." He said winking. "By the way, I am Rudra, Rudra Singh Oberoi. You can call me Rudy. " He said forwarding his hand.

"Gauri Sharma." I said politely shaking his hand.

"Ohh... So you are the Ms. Sharma, PA of my brother."

"Yes, I am." I said confused. "You are my boss's brother? "

"Off course, I am darling." He said smiling and I just nodded.

"Thanks again, I should be going now." I said politely.

"Bye, Ri. I am going to call you Ri from now on. " He said and ran away into the elevator.

Strangely he reminded me of Ricky, sighing I made my way towards my cabin.

As soon as I dropped my files on the table, the intercom buzzed with the barking of my boss.

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