What To Do

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gayerthanagayrainbow This is a twist off of your request! I was just feeling in a soft Roceit mood. So here ya go!

WARNINGS: Unsympathetic light sides (but like on accident), being ignored, self-deprecation, angst, Roman Just Needs A Hug


"I don't want to go," Roman said softly, face buried in his boyfriend's chest. Deceit sighed, running fingers through his hair.

"Roman, love, I'll be here when you get back. Besides, they'll only ask questions if you don't go when summoned."

"I'm just tired," Roman said softly. Deceit frowned as he tasted the lie of omission. Roman was keeping something from him about this, but Deceit wasn't going to demand truth from him. "Hey, why don't you go instead?"

"Wh- Roman, that will just cause more problems." Deceit pulled away, peering into Roman's eyes. "They'll just hate me more."

"They won't notice." Roman scoffed, then winced. Deceit frowned. "I mean... you're good. And you know me well. Obviously, you can do this. Don't you wanna see?"

"Are you sure?" Deceit narrowed his eyes uneasily. Roman nodded, flopping backward and wrapping blankets around himself.

"Yeah, I'm tired and you can pretend to be me. Please, before they get more annoyed?"

"Alright." Deceit gave in, getting to his feet. He shifted carefully, being sure to check the look over with Roman before rising up in his boyfriend's place.

"I have arrived!" He declared grandly, striking Roman's favorite pose.

"Took you long enough," Virgil muttered from the stairs. "We were just about to start without ya."

"Without me?" Deceit mocked Roman's dramatic gasp, hand on his chest. "I've been betrayed!" Virgil just rolled his eyes, looking back to where Logan, Patton, and Thomas were talking. They hadn't paused at all when 'Roman' arrived. Rude.

In fact... they were all quite rude through the entire conversation. Deceit tried his best to maintain the appearance of his boyfriend, but he made mistakes. He really was quite bad at this when he was frustrated.

They brushed off everything he said. They acted like he was a child, and outright ignored nearly half of all his suggestions. Not because it was Deceit, no, Deceit was supplying Roman's suggestions that they'd discussed earlier in the day. At one point, Roman's voice even slipped into Deceit's with the lisp and none of them batted an eye.

Deceit returned to their room after the discussion, feeling worn out and battered and awful about himself even though they hadn't been talking about Deceit at all.

Roman was still curled up in the blankets, probably having listened in.

Deceit felt cold rage stirring within him as he thought about what had just happened. They ignored Roman. They didn't care enough about him to notice when he was being impersonated. They hadn't even asked for his opinion at all, and they'd scoffed whenever he gave it.

"Roman." Deceit sat on the edge of the bed, the illusion fading away. Roman rolled over, smiling brightly. It was fake.

"How'd it go?" Roman asked, wrapping Deceit in a hug.

"Roman, I'm so sorry." Deceit held him tightly, holding back tears. Roman froze, obviously unsure of himself. Deceit hated it. He hated that all his boyfriend's bravado was so fake that no one cared to look into it. He hated that in an hour or so, Roman would have to return to the light side to have family dinner because otherwise they'd ask questions and find out about this relationship. He hated that Roman dealt with that cruelty and neglect on a daily basis, and Deceit hadn't known about it at all.

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