Saving Mason: Part One

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God, I have so many two-parters. So many. I just write TOO MUCH! Anyway.

This sucker was a request from @Personwholovesfruit (I don't think it's tagging you and idk why) and I hope I understood your request correctly! Just some fun angst with misunderstandings and stuff like that

WARNINGS: Mentions of Eating Disorders, food mentions, bullying mention, abuse, depression, suicide mention/attempted suicide, jumping to conclusions?

I think that's all the warnings, but let me know if I missed any because I want y'all to stay SAFE while your hearts die on the floor while you read this. Lol.

Enjoy my little angsty minions! Enjoy!

If you went to Sanders high school, you knew who Roman Mason was. Some people would say that was good for him - but most people did not. Roman was the classic popular theater kid. Blond, tan, blue eyes, tall, etc. And like the classic popular kid, he was a complete asshole. In Virgil's opinion.

He'd never done anything to hurt someone physically - that had been proven anyway. But he knew just how to word a compliment to make it an insult, and he knew just how to smirk in a way teachers didn't notice but the less popular, less classic, less 'normal' kids would notice and cringe away from him. He thought he was amazing at everything he did, and while Virgil had to admit that he was a good singer and actor, he didn't have to act like he knew it, though.

The guy was friends with everyone who would be friends with him - about half the student body. The other half were the people who knew what was going on, who'd been on the receiving end of his rude comments and insults and stupid smirks across the classroom when he showed one of them up at whatever they were doing. He was so full of himself, and he didn't really care about anyone. He'd said this to Virgil's face, and to several other kids he knew.

But what was Virgil supposed to do? He couldn't accuse Roman of anything - as he'd never actually hurt anyone, but he knew Roman was the reason Logan Croft had fallen silent after tenth grade, only speaking when necessary. He knew Roman was the reason Patton Hart watched his weight so carefully, usually skipping lunch unless Virgil made him eat. He knew Roman was the reason the boy with vitiligo tried makeup technique after makeup technique coupled with long hair and deep hoods to hide inside. And he was absolutely sure that Roman was the reason Virgil was never going to audition for any kind of performance ever again - even though it was his dream to become a Broadway star as well.

Because that's just what Roman did. He made 'jokes'. He made comments. He told people outright - without prompting - if he didn't like something about them, and he didn't even try to soften the truth.

And it was really starting to piss Virgil off.

Time skip brought to you by Virgil's RAGE

Patton wasn't eating again. Virgil stared across the table at his friend, worry gnawing at his heart as Patton picked at his salad, not eating it. He'd been doing so well before, and Virgil knew it wouldn't be that simple as to just eat again - he had anxieties of his own.

"Please eat, Patt," he said softly. Patton glanced up at him and sighed, putting a single piece of lettuce in his mouth and chewing slowly. It wasn't enough by a long shot - but it was something.

"I just..." Patton sighed and closed his eyes. "I thought I did well in the recital. I thought... I thought it was good."

"It was!" Virgil insisted. "You were amazing - there's a reason you were one of the main dancers on that stage. You're talented and everyone knows it." Patton hummed, face growing red as he glanced across the cafeteria at a table Virgil knew so well and hated so much.

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