A Person I Hate

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Heyyyy guys, it's been a while but this is a long one! Not a request, just something I've been working on as I try to get out of this writer's slump I'm in.

This one is... a lot.

WARNINGS: self-deprecation, self-hatred, memory loss, amnesia, food mentions, injury/illness mentions, sympathetic Deceit, sympathetic Remus, possibly implied suicide attempt, /unhappy ending/

Also implied Morince/Royality for good measure

enjoy this, you heathens.

He was frustrated.

He had good reason to be frustrated, of course. Anyone would be frustrated if they woke to discover they had no memories of their past.

Roman - he was positive that was his name - sighed and stared intently into the mirror. He was Roman. A prince. The creative, fanciful, romantic side of Thomas. Thomas, a person who he remembered better than anything, which made sense seeing as Roman was a piece of him. He could recall most of Thomas's life - as much as he needed to, at least. He knew Thomas was a YouTuber, he knew Thomas's best friends, he knew about the video series he had featuring Roman and...

And who else?

That was what frustrated him so much.

Roman knew there were others. He was sure of it. He could feel their input and their voices and their pieces of Thomas in everything Thomas did. He knew, as well, that he should know who they are. That he liked some of them, and not others. That he was much fonder of one of them than the rest.

But that was just a foggy outline. He remembered nothing about them, nothing about the series that should have been in his mind as he was the creative side. All he knew is that he was supposed to know more.

It was really starting to piss him off.

Roman sighed in annoyance, spinning away from the mirror to survey his room. He hadn't ventured outside of it yet after waking up the day before, with no memories and no idea what he would find past the bright red door. Thomas was on a creative break at the moment, he'd learned by listening to his hosts' thoughts. Was that the cause of this? A result? A very fortunate coincidence? Whatever it was, Roman knew the break wouldn't last very long.

Why couldn't he remember anything about the other sides?

Tears of frustration pricked his eyes as he tried to remember anything other than the fact that they existed. He couldn't even remember their names or their roles. Had he ever learned their names in the first place? He should know. He knew he should know.

So why didn't he?

"Yo, princey!" Roman jumped when someone pounded on his door. The voice was low and rough but sounded amused at the same time. Princey? That must be him, right? He was a prince after all. He quickly composed himself, clearing his throat.

"Yes, what might I do for you on this fabulous day, my friend?" that was a safe way to address the person, right? Without giving anything away? The one outside his door laughed softly.

"Dude, what is going on with you? You've been in there for over a day. Patton's getting worried."

Patton. Roman rubbed his forehead with a grimace. That was one of the names of the others.

"Oh, I apologize!" Roman forced a laugh, walking over to the door. "I've simply been distracted, that's all!"

"Well, he said you're required to come down for dinner." The handle turned and the other side pushed it open, eyebrows raising. "Wow, you look exhausted." Which was really something coming from him - wearing that hoodie with dramatic black eyeshadow.

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