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First off, I'm super sorry it's been so long since I updated. I promise I AM working on the requests, I've just been having some writers block with them. Secondly, this is a request from RinWeirdo I hope it's okay that I made it a poem? You said to do whatever I wanted and it ended up like this haha.

That said, this is a really short one because it's a little poem. Not really any warnings, either. I'll try my best to post soon, thanks for all being so awesome! <3

Off we go...

Climbing ever forward

An uphill hike to never end

In an attempt to reach the highest peak

He finds another slope again

Step by step and word by word

Searching for perfection

Never good enough

Despite all this, he never will give up

Pushing past his limits in the most unhealthy way

Our hero hates all of his flaws

He fights against them every day

Fighting onward to his goal

An unrealistic one at best

Discovering just one thing

One person he will never impress

He cannot accept himself

Despite knowing how far he's come

Further, further, with every step

He grows weaker by the moment

Aspirations still do call

And despite the way he tries so hard

Eventually, predictably,

The overachiever is destined to fall

What did you think? Should I post poems more often? I'm very fond of writing them haha I just wasn't sure how y'all would react. Hope you liked it!

Love you all,


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