Odd One Out

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Y'all really fucking love angst then okay geez lmao here's some angst I've had on the back burner for a while and just now managed to finish.

WARNINGS: mentions of self-harm, mentions of abuse, scars, self-hatred, past abusive relationships, believing one deserved abuse, mentions of rape/sexual abuse, violence, protective DLAMP, all sides are sympathetic, unsympathetic OC, oc is un-named, but he's a dick, food mentions, swearing.

have fun with this I Guess??

Roman loved his boyfriends. He really truly did. He loved Virgil's sarcasm and dark aesthetic, he loved Patton's puns and cheerful presence, he loved Logan's habit of eating plain jam and the way he could talk for hours about one thing, he adored Denzin's adorable face even though the other was insecure about it. But that was just it. Everything he loved about his boyfriends had a purpose. Had something useful. Something to add to the relationship.

Virgil and Logan helped keep them all thinking realistically, Patton kept things upbeat, and Denzin was not only the kindest of all of them but an amazing cook.

Roman, however, did nothing. Why they'd ever agreed to let him be their boyfriend, he didn't know. He was loud and obnoxious, he argued with all of them frequently, he wasn't that attractive or optimistic, and any kitchen appliance he touched was guaranteed to break in some way immediately. But still, they all continued on with their lives.

Patton and Denzin would cook, Logan helped arrange chore charts and get after Roman for not doing his part, Virgil would always remember to set their alarm and lock the door and write grocery lists. All Roman really did was help with shopping, sometimes. And plan random extravagant gestures that never went the way they were meant to.

He knew it was only a matter of time before the others came around to reality. He didn't belong with them. Five... five was a crowd. He'd known for a while now that he was the odd one out.

He'd always been the odd one out.

No one had ever wanted Roman Prince, and that was the reality of life. His parents hadn't wanted him, barely any employers wanted him, and every relationship he'd had before this one had only ended badly. He had the scars to show for it.

So it was no surprise to Roman when he heard the four of them talking together when he was supposedly at a job interview.

He had gone to the interview, it hadn't gone as swimmingly as he'd like, but it didn't go awfully. But they didn't know he was home yet, and Roman couldn't blame them for talking without him.

"-just don't understand him," Virgil said as Roman stepped inside quietly - a skill he'd learned to have during years of rocky relationships.

"Roman's...." Patton's voice trailed off and Roman froze, voice dying in his throat when he realized they were talking about him. He'd known this was coming.

"What? Patton? Spit it out!" Virgil snapped. Patton sighed.

"I don't know, Virgil, give me a break! It's not my fault he never talks to us!" Roman bit his lip. Is that was this was about? He'd been trying so hard the past month or so to be less annoying after Logan got upset at him. And now they were offended because of it? What was going on?

"Calm down," Denzin said. "There's no use arguing about it, we all know it's a problem." Roman took a silent step back, reaching for the door handle again as Logan piped up.

"We've known we had to do this for a long time, Patton. I'm sure everything will be fine."

Oh, god. Roman pulled the door open and hurried out, not caring that it was loud and obvious and they'd heard it this time. They were just going to break up with him anyway, what did it matter if he made too much noise? They'd been planning this for weeks. Months, maybe. Why hadn't they just told him sooner? He could be out of their hair and far away by now if they had.

Romangst || A Sanders Sides One-Shot CompilationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora