Matched Set

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Hey guys! I'm back at you with another ANGSTY mess of emotions! This one is a bit shorter than some of my others - but I think trying to make it longer would have made it less.... powerful? idk. 

This one was a request from gracechud I hope you like it friendo! <3 (I got it to tag you. I don't know how but there we go lmao)

WARNINGS: Self-deprecation, self-hatred, Remus, Remus being cruel (possibly on accident?? idk I don't write him v well yet), Self-harm, allowing self-harm (Remus), could be considered attempted suicide (you'll see),  blood, and I don't know if this qualifies as a happy ending - so be prepared for that haha.

Let's get this going! (the Duke's intro song JUST started on my headphones as I'm posting this omg)

Roman stared miserably into the mirror, hating the bags beneath his eyes, the way his hair was not doing anything he wanted, and the way the image seemed to shift between that of his own and that of his brother. He knew Remus wasn't here - really - but he couldn't help but look behind him. He was alone - as usual.

At least he was until Remus burst into the room and flashed a sickly grin over at him. Roman sighed, closing his eyes.

"Well hello!" Remus's voice was nasally and high - Roman couldn't help but wonder if the others found him as irritating as he did Remus. "How's the head, brother?"

"What do you want, Remus?" Roman sighed, reaching up to rub the bruise on the back of his head. "Haven't you done enough? You embarrassed me in front of the others, not to mention you freaked Virgil out. What more do you want?"

"Oh, you care too much!" Remus waved a hand, leaning on Roman's shoulder. Roman pushed him off. "And obviously you're wrong - because Thomas still likes you more than he likes me. He never listens to a word I say, you know that?"

"Thank goodness," Roman muttered.

"I am right, though." Remus turned and grinned cruelly at him. Roman stared back, exhausted. "Too much of you, and Thomas will get sick. Sick of your drama and your ideas and he'll come to me for ideas, right?"

"Wrong," Roman replied, though he couldn't help but worry. Remus laughed, slapping Roman 'casually' on the head - in the same place he'd hit him earlier. Roman winced, pushing his brother away.

"Besides, it's not my fault you stayed knocked out that long." Remus pointed out, looking with distaste around Roman's room. "It's like Logan said - I can't do anything unless you let me. Guess that makes you pathetic or something, right?"

"Get out of my room," Roman muttered, glaring daggers at him. Remus rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around Roman's shoulders.

"Oh come ON, Roman. I'm only trying to help you." he sighed loudly. "It's not as if you're going to take any of my advice anyway, so why do you care if I talk and talk until my tongue falls out?" Roman winced at the squelching noise near his ear.

"That's disgusting," Roman muttered, trying to pull out of Remus's grip. But it seemed to be tighter than ever, like iron. "Let go of me."

"We weren't always like this, you know." Remus continued, dramatically mournfully. "We used to be friends, remember that? Remember when you always at least listened to what I had to say?"

"No." Roman lied, glaring over his shoulder at the other. "Go away."

"You know it doesn't work like that." Remus cackled. "I won't leave unless I want to. Now, what were you up to when I got here?"

"That doesn't matter." Roman finally managed to pry himself from his brothers' grip - or maybe Remus let go of him on purpose. He stumbled away and grimaced, rubbing his shoulders. "Why did you even come here? Aren't you usually too busy with the dark sides?"

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