Hi There!

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Hey, Y'all! Coby Thinks here with a little one-shot compilation of Roman angst! (Romangst) I'll be uploading the first one-shot soon, but this is just a little thingy intro thingamabob that I wanted to put here for funsies. *shrugs*

In most of the first half of this, I sign off as various names (JJ, CJ, C.J.L., C.J. Line, Etc.) because I was beginning to explore my gender a bit more, but I've got it (mostly) figured out right now and thought I'd let y'all newcomers know that I go by Coby and use they/them or he/him pronouns! Like I said, at the start of this it's inconsistent, but that's where I'm at as of October 2019.

Anywaysssss....yeah. If you like what I write, feel free to message me or something, and if you're having a bad day I'll always try and help you out. I really just love everyone and want them to be happy, so come to me with any problems and I'll be there for ya! That's not about this book, it's just so Y'all know. <3

I Also have another chapter called *About Requests* and I'd love it if you read through that first and commented THERE for requests, so I can keep it organized! Thank you! <3

Will have a chapter out soon!

Love you all,


Romangst || A Sanders Sides One-Shot CompilationWhere stories live. Discover now