⚠️friday night dinner - btsxjjk

Start from the beginning

the last time they all met he got his own bedroom. the older boys had wanted him to have some privacy - and now that they had saved a little more money - jungkook having a separate room was an option.

jungkook was secretly heartbroken at the news. being alone made him anxious at the best of times - but it was even worse when he was made to sleep alone in a place he wasn't familiar with.

he somehow managed one night - but by the second he just couldn't take it. he stumbled out of his bed at almost four am and went to the room next to his.

he repeatedly knocked on the door before it swung open - revealing a sleepy looking jin and namjoon.

jungkook broke out into sobs before he could even think. jin gasped and pulled the youngest into the room, holding him tightly. "what's wrong darling?" jin asked shushing him gently.

jungkook took a deep breath, how was jungkook supposed to answer that?

'i don't like sleeping alone because i am scared of my grandad doing something so me in my sleep' - jungkook no.

jungkook panicked and tried to come up with a lie, no one knew just how upsetting and dark the maknae's life actually was, and he wasn't going to come clean then.

"uhh i just - just had a nightmare." he spluttered, jin hummed in understanding and pulled him closer.

jin and namjoon comforted him all night. he missed their hugs so much - he needed one now more than ever.

"kookie? kookie?"


"kook, you zoned out." taehyung informed, jungkook smiled and said "i was just thinking about us meeting up again! it's so soon! how long now hyungs?"

"three weeks today koo, i can't wait!" jimin said - excitement oozing though his words.

the rest of the boys smiled fondly and began talking about what they would do when they meet up.

jungkook listened intently to the pleasant conversation. he laughed along and spoke without a care in the world, until his door slammed open.

jungkook gasped and muted his mic at the speed of light. he jumped up and approached his grandad, (who he lived with) and bowed.

"what are you up to brat? talking to the fairy group again?" he scoffed. jungkook nodded shyly and then lowered his head.

"face the wall." his grandad commanded. jungkook moved over to the wall and clenched his fists, awaiting an oncoming yell...

but it never came. instead his head was slammed into the hard plaster and jungkook could have sworn he momentarily blacked out.

"that's for taking food this morning. you know full well that you have to ask first."

jungkook was suddenly overwhelmed with pain and he out a sharp cry.

"stay in your bedroom until i come and get you. don't leave for anything. not even the bathroom. wet yourself for all i care - disgusting little pig."
he spat, he then slammed the door shut and left jungkook sobbing on the floor.

"fuck, the hyungs!"

jungkook wiped his tears and dashed back to his computer, before unmuting his mic and putting his headphones back on.

"hi hyungs, sorry my grandad wanted help in the kitchen." he lied quickly. there was confused murmurs before hoseok piped up. "kook, your nose is bleeding."

jungkook panicked and dabbed his nose, feeling the fresh blood.

"oh? t-that's probably because i'm stressed. i should get some rest. b-bye hyungs i love you!" he stuttered before hanging up quickly.

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