Yoonjin (Angst+Fluff) PT.2

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Jin screamed as Yoongi let go falling onto his knees as he heard the splash. Jungkook ran down from the bank onto the side of the river and slid in before going underwater to look for Yoongi. He saw him just floating in the water. He looked like an angel but Jungkook knew that he had to get him out know. Just as Jungkook had got hold of Yoongi, Seokjin jumped in to help. With the help of Seokjin, Jungkook managed to get Yoongi out the river and onto the sidewalk.

A ambulance turned up and immediately tried to resuscitate Yoongi. All the way into the ambulance and all the way to the hospital they did compressions. Finally as they got into the hospital room did Yoongi react. They managed to get Yoongis pulse back a bit stronger than before however he was still struggling to breathe. Namjoon had rung Yoongis parents and brother notifying them of the situation. They immediately said they were on their way.

Two hours later the doctor came out to speak to them. Yoongis parents had just arrived and his brother. The doctor said "he's alive however his body is struggling to breathe by itself therefore he will have to keep the oxygen tube on until he can breathe by himself.". Everyone sighed in relief and asked if they could see him. The doctor suggested family only first and then the rest. Yoongis parents and brother went in first and the rest of BTS waited outside.

Seokjin opened his letter that he had left unopened unsure if he wanted to read what was almost the youngers last few words. Seokjin was in tears by the end of the letter. The younger loved him. Seokjin wasn't sure exactly what he felt for Yoongi but he knew that to him Yoongi was slightly more special then the rest. It was somewhere between best friends and boyfriend love but Seokjin wasn't sure which one he preferred.

Namjoon, who was sat next to him, read the letter and asked "Do you love him back?". Seokjin stared at Yoongi through the window. "I'm not sure joon... How would I know if I loved him as more then a brother?" Asked Seokjin. "Have you ever wondered how Yoongis lips would feel on yours?" Asked Namjoon trying to think of the best way. Seokjin looked at Yoongis lips and slowly nodded. "Have you ever wanted to cuddle him and call him yours" asked Namjoon. Jin nodded as tears started rolling down his face.

"Then you love him hyung" said Namjoon.

Just then Yoongis brother and parents came out and said that they could go in. The dance line ran in and namjoon walked in after them but Jin halted at the door. Yoongis mother patted him on the back and asked what was wrong. Jin gave her the letter and pointed to the bit where Yoongi confessed his feelings. "Do you love him back" asked Yoongis mother catching the attention of Yoongis brother and father. Seokjin thought about it then nodded as a few more tears fell from his eyes.

"Are you okay with that?" Asked Jin wearily. "If you are what makes my son happy then of course I'm okay with this" said Yoongis mother receiving a nod from his father and brother aswell. Seokjin bowed to them taking a deep breath and entering the room. Everyone watched as Seokjin made his way over to the bed. Jin sat on the edge of the bed and intertwined his fingers with Yoongis. Seokjin caressed Yoongis hand and said "can you give us a second please". Namjoon motioned for the others to follow him and soon they left leaving the two alone.

Seokjin kissed Yoongis hand and held it to his chest. Yoongi could feel seokjins heart beating quickly. Jin caressed Yoongis cheek as he said:

"You scared me Yoongi

I thought I'd lost you forever

I read the letter and listened to the song

Why didn't you just tell me

I could of helped you

Did you mean what you said?"

Yoongi had on his oxygen tube and although he could of he wasn't sure if he was ready to speak so opted for sign language instead. He pointed at himself, then did a finger heart and then pointed at Jin. Jin smiled and said "you love me?". Yoongi nodded and Seokjin decided to do the same. He pointed at himself, did a finger heart, pointed at Yoongi and then did the number two using two fingers to say 'i love you too'. Yoongi smiled and Seokjin couldn't help himself as he leaned in and placed his lips on Yoongis. The kiss was innocent and didn't last long since Jin didn't want to hurt Yoongi however although it was short it was also very meaningful.

After that day Seokjin promised Yoongi he would always be there for him and whenever the voices came back Seokjin always helped Yoongi through it.

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