chapter 29: a magnificence in you

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'Why don't you join me for dinner?'

'Why don't you join me for dinner?'

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The lighting was dim and the air was thick with the scents of the different foods. Despite the rich aroma, my appetite had still dissipated. I listened to the noisy chatter of all the people and the clatter of their utensils hitting the plates. For a few minutes, I let myself soak in the sound of the violin.

The waiter stood beside the table, pouring two full glasses from the bottle of wine. I thanked him and reached for the glass.

The wine slowly drowns the volume of my thoughts. I let myself dwell in it. Somehow it steadies me and gives me the resolve to go on.

'Something is troubling you,' Wilhelm remarks.

'How can you tell?' I wrapped my fingers around the glass and raised it to sip.

'I can see it in your eyes.'

'Are they different?'

'The skies in your eyes are no longer bright.'

'The skies in my eyes?'

'Yes, they are much duller tonight, as though they have been touched by storm clouds... I still don't quite get it.'

I traced the rim of the wine glass with my index finger, 'Get what?'

'There's something about you...'

'What is it that you still don't get?'

'Ladies and gentleman the last song for tonight!' The musician announced.

'I'll tell you later let's dance now,' he stood up from his seat and held out his hand.

Wilhelm placed his arm around me and held my hand with the other. Our bodies began to sway slowly to the rhythm of the music.

'Fehmer, wants me to go to Poland with him,' I say suddenly.

I felt his body instantly stiffen as the words left my lips, 'What did you say?'

'I have not decided yet,' I drop my gaze, knowing I was lying. I wanted nothing more than a reaction or slip of information as to the true nature of Fehmer's activities in Poland. 'What do you think I should say?'

'I wouldn't want to put thoughts in your head,' He avoided the question and paused for a moment. 'Can I be honest with you?'

'Go on.'

'Do you remember how we met on the evening of the Furher's birthday celebrations?' He looked down at me. 'Well, I could not rid my mind of your face ever since. I simply wanted nothing more than to see you again.'

Then it's silent for a moment. He's waiting for a response.

'Really?' As I blush his look of bafflement becomes a shy smile.

'Is that so hard to believe?' he teased.

'Well, to tell you the truth Lieutenant Winter – no man has ever told me such things.'

'I don't quite believe you. There's a magnificence in you,' His voice is warm and rich. 'A magnificence that shines from your eyes, your voice, the way you walk.'

'Is that really all I am to you?'

'Of course not,' he said. 'You're much more.' His eyes bored into mine as if to convince me that he was not lying.

My mind knew that I would not hear such things if he truly knew who I was. Perhaps this is what I needed to get me through rest of the day. To pretend that we were in another world, a different era, that there wasn't another man like him or me for that matter.

I leaned closer to him. I took in his soft and gentle touch and the warmth which seeped into my being and comforted me.

'There's many things you don't know about me,' I whisper.

A/N Sorry this chapter is a bit short

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A/N Sorry this chapter is a bit short. Don't forget to vote and comment! :) I am curious to hear, what do you guys think will happen next?

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