chapter 39: the volunteers

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Fehmer instructs me to draw a number of files from his cabinet and wheel them on the small metal trolley to von Eberstein's office to be discussed after lunch

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Fehmer instructs me to draw a number of files from his cabinet and wheel them on the small metal trolley to von Eberstein's office to be discussed after lunch.

None of them are Rachel, Jacobus or Christopher's.

Were they still alive?

I cannot help and think of the lives which I hold in my hands as I stack the files neatly into small piles.

Pick a letter – Herr Fehmer's words rings in my ears. I try to push the memory to furthest part of my mind.

I think of Elek's words: Better her than you.

What a dreadful thing to say.

What an awful thing to think.

I discover that Anneke has recently begun to volunteer her lunch breaks in place of the clothing donation. She invites me to join her and several secretaries from the other floors, she says she thinks it would be a good 'bonding' activity, 'You have been very distant lately.'

Bonding over the dead's clothes.


'Von Eberstein's already left for lunch,' his secretary informed me. She had a soft face and frizzy brown hair. 'You can leave those on the shelf,' she pointed out.

I began to stack the files neatly on the empty shelf as von Eberstein's secretary chatted away with another secretary on the floor outside his office's door.

'Don't you work on Anneke's floor?' von Eberstein's secretary asked.

'Yes, that's me,' I confirmed.

'I thought you looked familiar,' she beamed. 'I'm Marleen, this is Hennie,' she pointed to the red head woman next to her.

'Mieke,' I forced a smile. 'It's nice to meet you.'

'You'll be joining us I'm assuming,' Hennie says.

'Uh—' It takes a moment for me to realise Hennie is referring to – the 'bonding' session ah. 'Yes, of course I'm coming!' I say a bit perhaps too overenthusiastic, but did I not need to be asked further questions.

Marleen offers to wait for me, but I politely decline and state I have to return the trolley first and would not wait to keep them waiting. But honestly, I wanted to be left alone.

With the two of them gone, the floor was silent. I peaked my head out the door and looked left and right. One could never be too careful.

I take advantage of what may be the only opportunity to rummage through von Eberstein's office.

I hastily flip through the stacks of papers and books on his desk, but nothing comes across as anything of particular value to me. I attempt to open the filing cabinets, but they are locked.

Shit, I swear under my breath.

I throw open the drawers of his desk which are mess filled of bits of stationery and cigarettes. I find a small metal key tossed in the corner of the drawer.

It fits perfectly into the cabinet's keyhole.

I hold my breath and I turn the key.

There's a soft clicking sound as the drawers are suddenly unlocked.

The tips of my fingers glide through the rows of brown folders which are alphabetically organised. I decide to start from the bottom drawer and work my way up.

My fingers stop at, Van der Berg, Jacobus.

I fling open the file and begin scanning the pages from beginning to end.

There's a black and white photograph of Jacobus pinned at the top of the file.

The file details his background from his age, siblings, parents, the university he attended, his social activities...

My God.

They had gathered every bit of background information that they could get their hands on.

There are further details of his arrest, imprisonment and short transcripts of his interrogations, none of which appear to show that any vital evidence had been revealed.

I shove Jacobus' file back in place and search for Rachel's and Christopher's.

There did not appear to be a file on Rachel and I did not dare to go through the row again.

I knew that I needed to remain conscious of my time.

Taking too long would raise suspicions.

The layout of Christopher's file is similar to that of Jacobus,' however, the contents of Christopher's file reveals what Elek and some of the others' had expected, but were too afraid to admit.


I slammed the folder shut and locked the drawers.

I placed the key exactly where I had found it and did a double check that everything in Von Eberstein's office looked as it was found.

'Mieke!' Anneke calls. 'I must admit I did not believe Marleen when she said you were coming.'

Lina spots me from across the room, gives me a wave then rushes over, 'I am so happy to see that you have changed your mind. It makes my heart burst with pride to see so many new volunteers.'

Before I can respond, Lina has already become distracted and bolted over the grey van which has just reversed and parked so that it's back doors open towards the building. A middle-aged man who looks to be in his 40s climbs out of the vehicle and is greeted by Lina.

Anneke and the others giggle softly and I realise I am completely out of the loop.

'That's Garrit,' Anneke explains. 'Lina gets excited every time he makes a stop here.'

'He must be the only man that pays her any attention,' says Marleen.

'With that snaggle tooth of hers, I'm surprised any man pays her attention,' Hennie comments.

While the boxes of mended clothing are loaded into the truck, Lina leads Garrit into the small makeshift office in the corner of the room.

'There they go again,' remarks Anneke.

Hennie makes gagging noises causing Marleen and Anneke to erupt into a fit of giggles. I force a laugh out of my lips, but feel that their comments are unnecessary.

When Lina and Garrit returns from the office, he is red in the face and straightens his collar anxiously. This sight only adds to the entertainment of Anneke, Marleen and Hennie.

'Is this how they always behave?' I ask.

'Well out of three of the four times I've been here...yes.'

I watched as the last of the boxes were loaded onto van and Garrit shut the doors before driving off the premises.

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