Chapter 6

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It had been several weeks since my first kill.

It was weird.

I didn't feel anything

I didn't even feel sorry for them.

It was... it was almost natural.

It had become routine.

'There he is,' I whisper referring to our next target.

'You sure that's him?' Elek asks.

'Yes, I am sure,' I state.

'Alright, you go first. I'll cover you. Remember where to meet me after it's done,' he stated as he grasped my upper arm. I nodded silently without making eye contact, grabbed my bicycle and pushed my feet off from the ground. I did not look back. I knew Elek would be following close behind.

I felt the cool wind whip through my hair as I rode down the street walk. I watched as my target rode peacefully unaware of what was to come. My legs remained in motion as my thoughts stayed in the moment. I kept a good distance between the two of us so as not to cause any suspicion. I waited patiently for him to make a turn into the alley way, at least the large walls and dark narrow road would provide momentary safety away from the watchful eyes of the public.

I sped up behind him so that I was riding next to him. I hastily pulled out my pistol, aimed it at the side of his head and pulled the trigger.


The Officer's eyes widened in shock at what was unfolding in front of him.

Again I pulled the trigger.


'Shit!' I panicked.

Next thing I knew; the Officer had rammed his bicycle into mine. I was knocked to the ground, crushed by the weight of my bicycle as my pistol was flung from my hand. The Officer pulled out his gun and aimed it straight at me. My breath hitched in the back of my throat. One of my greatest fears has come to life.

This is it.

I brace myself for the pain to come. I hear the echo of a gun go off. Except I feel nothing. The Officer cries out as he slumps against the wall. I look to my side to see Elek standing a few meters away. The Officer draws his attention towards Elek and fires several shots.

'Fuck!' I hear Elek hiss as he grips his arm.

Elek fires two more shots, before his pistol clicks blankly. The wounded Officer pulls out his whistle and blows with all his might.

'Go!' Elek shouts before taking off on foot in the direction from where we had entered.

His voice wakes me up from the sudden daze I was in. I pick myself up and grab my bicycle, my heart is pounding erratically. My legs suddenly weak as though they cannot pedal any longer for the state of panic has overtaken my wind. The sound of the whistle continues to ring in my ears. I pedal as fast as I can, I take each and every corner, trying to will myself further and further from the Officer.

'There she is!' I hear a voice shout in German.

I whip my head around to see two German soldiers running in my direction. A shot is fired. I gasp as I hear the bullet whisk through the air beside me. It was only a matter of time before the reinforcements would join the chase. I rounded the corner by the train station, hastily threw my bicycle against the wall and rushed up the stairs.

I gazed around at the mass of persons gathered on the platform.

What now?

Where do I go?

I internally debated my next move.

I attempted to mask my uneasiness by venturing slowly into the building, taking note of each and every exit, alert to their attire. Perhaps I should buy a ticket to a nearby town and return by dark. It was only a matter of time before they discovered my discarded bicycle and someone pointed them in the right direction.

I began to make my way to the ticket booth, but something inside of me urged me to look up and when I did my heart dropped. The two familiar soldiers had entered the station and were corresponding with another man in uniform whom worked at the station. I quickly turned on my heel and immersed myself in the endless sea of people, hoping that to the normal observer, I was just another traveller, attempting to navigate myself through the crowd to catch my train.

The raucous, metallic shriek signals the departure of the nearby train.

'Are you coming Miss?' The stocky station guard asks whilst standing the train's doors.

I glance around the station, looking for the two familiar faces. My heart sinks when I notice one of them pointing out into the crowd before they slowly begin to walk towards the mass.

'Miss?' The guard asks once again.

'Hold the door!' I call, as I hastily leap from the platform onto the train.

The door shuts behind me; the train begins to pick up speed as the station disappears from sight. I collapse into an empty seat in the carriage. I feel my heart pounding fast against my chest. I close my eyes and breathe a sigh of relief. However, the feeling is short lived as I hear a voice call out for tickets. I bolt up straight in my seat.

'Excuse me, do you know if there is a bathroom?'

The passenger besides me flicks his finger in the opposite direction.

'Bedankt,' I thank him.

I make my way towards the back of the carriage, but the toilet door was locked. I swore under my breath and turned to see the guard was much closer. My options had run out. I could do nothing, but hope that he would not cause a big commotion. I open the door to one of the seating compartments and freeze when I see a young man in the familiar dreaded uniform. 

Deception - WWII Resistance / Holocaust NovelWhere stories live. Discover now