chapter 31: a mechanical failure

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I watched as Wilhelm's figure disappeared from sight

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I watched as Wilhelm's figure disappeared from sight.

The slow signs of panic begin to grow within me. From the discomfort in my chest to the lump in my throat. Yet my brain did not understand it.

I should not care, come might will.

But the feelings of being constricted grew.

I hurried outside to see Obergruppenführer Schmidt climbing into the backseat of his vehicle at the bottom of the staircase. Wilhelm's back is towards as he begins his descent down.

'Wilhelm,' I called out.

He turned back to face me, 'Mieke?'

'You can't leave yet,' I stumbled.

His face scrunched up in slight confusion, 'What?'

'I said you can't leave yet,' I said whilst trying my hardest to think of some excuse.

'Why is that?' he wore a puzzled expression.

It's as though there are two different persons sitting a table inside my brain. One voice is loud, commanding and stubborn – advising against my actions. The other is lower, hysterical and fearful.

'I would very much like to dance with you.'

'What?' He smiled slightly as though I was about to tell him the punchline of a corny joke.

'I would very much like to dance with you,' I repeat. 'What harm is another hour?'

His lips parted slightly, eyes fixated on me as though he was trying to read my thoughts.

'Please,' I forced a smile.

He made his way down the car and spoke through the window. As he turned back from the vehicle he looked up at me and smiled. The tension in my shoulders released. I sighed in relief as he waved on to Obergruppenführer Schmidt and made his way over to me.

'Now what is this all about?'

'Well, you're a good dancer.'

'Is that really all?'

I sighed, 'I wanted to talk to you.'

'About what?'

'Last night,' I lowered my gaze. 'You said there was something about me that you did not get. What did you mean?'

'Is that still bothering you?' He had a mischievous look on his face, the corners of his lips fighting a smile.

'I like things to be clear.'

He took a deep breath, 'There's something about you...something amiss when we're together. Every time I'm with you, there seems to be something holding you back.'

'What you mean?'

'Every time I feel as though you are about to let me in, you shut me out.'

'Is it really that obvious?'

'I want to get to know you,' he locked eyes with me. 'All of you Mieke.'

I shook my head slightly, 'If I told you my secrets, you wouldn't look at me the same way.'

'I don't think so,' he assured me. 'We all have secrets.'

'You don't know that.'

'You know how I feel about you,' he brushed the loose strand of hair from my cheek, letting his hand linger on my skin for a moment.

Suddenly, the sound of tyres screeching, filled our ears followed by a loud impact. We hurried down the road to where a small crowd had begun to form. The car had hit the trees. Within seconds, several officers from the party had now come out to see the commotion. Several men attempted to lift the wreckage, looking for survivors.

I hoped they were already dead.

Watching the scene unfold before me, made me feel as though I too had experienced the crash. As I sucked in the cold night air, I felt as though my lungs would cave in as I watched Obergruppenführer Schmidt's lifeless body being pulled from the wreckage.

Coppery blood pooled from his mouth.

'Call an ambulance!'

'There's somebody else still in there!'

'Is anybody a doctor?'

Without hesitation, Wilhelm lurched forward and began checking for any vital signs of life. He hovered over his body, placing his ear near his mouth and then his chest, searching for a pulse.

I felt an aching in my bones.

I imagined to myself what almost came to be.

I felt disorientated as though I had been flipped so many times that I was drifting in and out of consciousness.

I stood watching for what felt like hours.

Until I wanted nothing more than to put distance between myself and the scene before me.

Step by step I buried myself into the crowd until I was at the very edge.

I ran until I was out of sight.

Out of the thin night air, a hand reached out and covered my mouth and pulled me into the nearby alley. I resisted instantly and attempted to scream, but once I saw a familiar pair of eyes, I relaxed and he loosened his grip.

I shook off his touch and fully pulled myself away from him.

'Well?' Elek crossed his arms.

'He's dead,' I confirmed.

His eyes were narrowed, rigid and cold.

'You saved that man's life,' he said bitterly.

It took me a moment to realise who her was referring to. His harsh stare was burning into my face. I tried my hardest to seem unbothered and took a deep breath, 'He wasn't the target.'

'Two dead Nazis is better than one.'


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