chapter 40: plotting

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The plot to rescue our imprisoned members was heavily debated over the next week

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The plot to rescue our imprisoned members was heavily debated over the next week. I had been monitoring the times that Garrit would arrive, flirt with Lina and depart from the building while Elek, Lenka and Lotte had studied the route and speed at which he would drive.

The plan was to smuggle Christopher out on to the van. Eva would pose as a look out for when the van would leave the premises. She would then signal to Lenka who would cycle to Elek, Lotte and Vera to warn them of the van's impending arrival. Elek would hide in the trees whilst Lotte and Vera would pose as stranded women whose car had broken down on the side of the road – they had specifically chosen the part of the route which was quiet and covered by lines of trees.

Assuming Garrit would climb out the vehicle to assist without there being a need to resort to violence, Christopher would be freed, Elek would drive the van to a secluded area whilst Lotte and Vera would get Christopher to a safe house. Lenka would then cycle back and report whether all had gone according to plan.

'Why we are going through all this effort to rescue Christopher is beyond me,' Elek protested. 'He's a traitor, as good as dead.'

'This is not just about Christopher,' Sven clarified. 'If we could get both out without a hassle, we would. Christopher is priority. Jacobus can hold himself together a bit longer.'

'He's already revealed to the Germans we're receiving help from the inside. How long till he finally reveals names and addresses? I don't understand why we are sending Mieke back in there when at any moment her cover could be blown. Please explain to me the logic in this Sven, because I am not seeing it,' Elek crossed his arms.

'Elek—' I reach my hand out to touch him, I want to tell him that it will be okay, but truly I do not know.

I had told Sven I wanted to get Rachel out, but getting one person out was risky enough.

'If you are going to continue to berate me then I might as well put Frederick in your place,' said a frustrated Sven.

'Frederick?' Lotte raised her voice in shock. 'The boy does not even remember how to shoot! There's a reason why lost during the invasion,' Lotte remarked, insinuating Frederick was a lousy soldier.

'What did you say?' Frederick stood up from his seat, his face turning red.

'I'd much rather have Jorgen,' Lotte continued, pretending as though Frederick had not spoken. 'At least I'd feel a bit more confident knowing that he'll have my back.'

'We've already been over this before, we cannot afford to lose Dekker's brains,' said Sven.

'So I'm more dispensable?' whined Frederick.

'Oh, shut up,' Lotte rolled her eyes.

Maybe Elek was right.

This was a crazy ridiculous plan that had been rushed and the outcome of it was questionable.

'I want no part in this,' Elek storms out and slams the door.

'Good riddance, I cannot deal with that one and his emotional outbursts,' Sven huffs in annoyance. 'We've already lost three of our men and with Luuk still recovering from his injuries, this only makes this operation more difficult.' Sven turned to me, 'Mieke you're still in this?'

'Of course,' I confirmed.

'Good, now let's go over it again. Frederick,' Sven points in his direction, 'You take over Elek's position.'


'I've improved the bug,' Dekker says as he hands me the covert listening device at the end of the meeting. 'I added a miniature radio transmitter. We'll be able to hear what's going on in real time,' he showed how to switch the device on and off as well as the battery. 'Remember to plant this beforehand. The battery should last should at least seven days before we'll need to replace it. Understood?'

'Got it,' I replied, as I make a first around small device in the palm of my hand.

A/N Double update for this weekend! Random fact - this book was originally planned to only be 40 chapters but I've extended  the plot as I wanted to give my readers a bit more. Things are going to get a bit hectic from the next chapter onwards! Thank you for all the votes and comments <3

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