chapter 41: escape

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The nausea came in waves since the early hours of the morning

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The nausea came in waves since the early hours of the morning.

I swallowed hard to keep the contents of my stomach.

Get a grip Mieke, I told myself.

'Christopher,' I hissed, but there was no answer.

I peered through the metal flap which was used for food to be passed through to prisoners. The room was almost pitch black, and I could just about make out the metal frame of the makeshift bed.

I looked up at the number above the cell – confirming it was the same as his folder.

I whispered his name three more times, but was only answered with silence.

I squinted my eyes and peered through the metal flaps into the two neighbouring cells, but they were empty too.

I concluded that they had recently moved him to another cell or transferred to him to another prison.

I needed to get out of here and call off the whole operation.

I started to make my way out the same way I had come, but the sound of two voices made me freeze and take a step back. I hurried in the opposite direction, around the corner and pressed my body against the wall.

The voices grew softer until I cannot hear them anymore.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but my relief is only temporary for my body was suddenly yanked against the cold metal bars of a cell whilst a hand covered my mouth.

'Shh shh,' there was a sense of urgency in the male's voice.

I thrashed in his arms, until he eventually lost his grip.

'It's me,' he gasped. 'Mieke, it's me Jacobus.'

As soon as he said my name, I stopped struggling. He removed his hands from his grip. I could just about make out Jacobus' tall figure in the dim light, his tattered blood-soaked clothes, his unshaven and battered face. He looked weak and exhausted. He no longer looked like the young university boy I once knew.

'Jacobus,' I touched his face, confirming to myself it was indeed him. 'Where's Christopher?'

Jacobus shook his head, 'What are you doing here?'

'No time to speak,' I said digging into my pocket. 'I'm going to try and get you out. Stand back,' I gestured for him to move away from the swinging cell door.

I tried to muzzle the sound of the gun with my jacket, but it still made enough noise to make me not feel to comfortable that anyone had heard it.

It took two shots to loosen the lock before it finally came undone.

I placed a finger on my lips then grabbed his wrist to lead him behind me.

The sound of my heart hammered so loud in my ears I feared that I could not properly hear my surroundings. My palms became sweaty as my stomach continued to twist itself into knots.

I let out a deep breath that I did not realise I was holding as we reached the entrance.

I slowly edged the door open and peaked through the slit to ensure that no one else was in the hallway. The kitchen trolley stood in the same place where I had left it.

'Alright Jacobus, from this point on both our lives depend on you.'

I whispered to him that he was to hide underneath the kitchen trolley, which was covered by a curtain. I would bring the trolley to a halt, facing the back of the vehicle. He was not to move until I rang the bell three times. Thereafter, he was to immediately climb into the back of the van and hide himself amongst the transport clothing. When the van stopped, he was not to move unless he heard three knocks on the door. That was all he needed to know for now.

'Ladies, gather around,' I said as I removed silver tray from the trolley and walked off to furthest part of the room.

I placed the tray on the table as everyone gathered around.

'I know how hard you've been working the past few weeks and I figured we could all do with a bit of a treat,' I said as I unveiled the tray of sweet cakes.

There were squeals from the small group of women as they cast their eyes on the delicious fluffy treats filled with freshly whisked cream.

I rang the bell three times and signalled for Anneke to turn on the gramophone.


It took a good thirty minutes before I noticed any sense of urgency among the Germans. I watched through the windows from my desk and several Germans searched the grounds. I said my prayers silently that all had gone as planned.

As I left the premises and walked the streets, I could not help but imagine how things had played out.

What had they thought when they saw Jacobus instead of Christopher?

Would Sven be mad?

One life saved was better than none.

Were the others safe?

The soft hum of an automobile pulled me from my thoughts. From the corner of my eye, a black Mercedes-Benz was slowly drifting down the street.

Was I being followed?

Of course not – I tried to convince myself.

I crossed the street and soon thereafter the vehicle followed and came to an abrupt halt.

I froze as it stopped on the side of the road and a tall German officer climbed out from the backseat and slammed the door shut.

'Mieke de Jong?'

'Y—,' I paused, debating whether to confirm my identity. Even if I lied, I was sure they knew who I was already. 'Yes.'

He opened the backdoor, 'After you.'

'What's this all about?'

'I'll tell you on our way there.'

A/N Hey guys, I'm sorry for this sucky chapter , I've been stuck on it for about a week :( I am currently recovering from Covid.

Deception - WWII Resistance / Holocaust NovelWhere stories live. Discover now