Chapter 11

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I was slowly building a map in my mind of the SD offices and guards who patrolled. I sketched it out in front of Sven, illustrating the details which I had already picked up. I explained that I had not had the opportunity to infiltrate Herr Fehmer's office yet – it was always locked and he kept the only key. The only time, he left it open was when he stepped out for a few minutes, but I could not risk any suspicion. He had given me menial work, nothing of any importance at this stage. Perhaps, I was just too eager to get my hands on any vital information to aid the resistance.

I informed Sven of Hitler's birthday celebration in the coming week and how Herr Fehmer had insisted that I have a dress made specially for the event. This information seems to amuse Sven.

'How far are you willing to go?' he says out of the blue.

'W-what d-do you mean?' my brain stutters for a moment. I nearly spit my entire drink out as my mind follows his train of thought. I wipe my mouth with the back of hand and place the glass on the table. My eyes meet his, but his expression remains emotionless.

'How far?' He asks again.

'Do you want me to sleep with him?' The thought makes me sick to my stomach. Did he honestly expect me to sleep with a man I hardly knew, let alone the enemy?

'What do you think?'

'I like things to be clear,' I state sternly whilst crossing my arms against my chest. 'But I do not think that will be necessary. Is it not clear enough that he already taking a liking to me?'

'There is a difference between liking someone and trusting them. We need Fehmer to trust you.' He stands up from his seat, 'I am done talking about this. Consider it from a strategic point of view.'

'I'll think about it,' I mutter, but my mind was already made up.

After Sven has left the room, I do not even attempt to mask the anger churning inside of me. I slam my first on the table as I try to control my breathing to a slower pace.

'What is the matter?' Ellis inquires as she slowly opens the door and enters the room.

'Nothing,' I say quickly, my voice unconvincing.

'You've been sat in this room unmoving for five minutes.'

I was aware that Ellis knew I was lying. She knew me better than any other person. But I did not want Ellis to think of me as being weak or that I was not capable of carrying out orders. I had always strived to be like Ellis.

'I am thinking,' I huff.

'What are you thinking?' She asks nosily.

'It does not matter,' I try to shut down the conversation.

'Something is upsetting you. I want to know,' she pulls out the seat beside me and sits down so that she can peer intently into my face.

'Can I ask you something?' I turn to face her for the first time since she entered the room.


I take a deep breath, 'Have you... did you...ever sleep with a German?'

There is a long pause. Her eyes dart towards the floor. The few seconds of silence that pass are unnerving. Suddenly, she looks up, her eyes dull, her a soft 'Ja' escapes her lips.


'Ja,' Ellis states clearly and crosses one leg over the other. 'Not because I wanted to, but because I had to,' she states as a matter of fact.


'Well, he had something very important which I wanted,' she pauses. 'Actually needed.'

'I'm sure there are other ways...'

'Highly unlikely,' she shifts in her seat. 'The Germans are desperate. You must remember, they have been away from their women for too long. I gave him what he wanted and he told me what I wanted to hear. I had to take myself out of reality to get through it. Did I wish I did not have to? Of course. But it is my duty to my country to carry out orders regardless of what I have to do, to complete them.'

Sensing my uneasiness, Ellis places her hand on my shoulder so that I turn to make eye contact with her, 'Remember Mieke we must use what God gave us to win the war.'

A/N So this chapter is a bit of a filler. I realised I made quite a few spelling mistakes in the last few chapters so I apologise about that. Next chapter will definitely introduce one of my favourite new characters!

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