Are You Proud of Me Now?

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Set stared at the chains and they went up in flames.

Set sighed closing his eyes

"What do you plan on doing next?"

"I'll tell you when we get out of here."

Set also destroyed the door.

"Lets go"


They walked through the dungeons. These had been rebuilt before anything else as corona was..unpredictable at times, and it showed.

They were on the way out when they came to rapunzel's body, Cass at her side. Set pushed varian to the side where he was hidden by some extra stone.

No one else could see set. This was because he was connected to the moonstone. Only those who wield its power can see him.

He stood on guard as he watched the scene play out.

Cassandra spoke taking Rapunzel's hand and pulling it to her own face.

"I-I should o-of saved you"

She pressed her face into the hand and cried.


It was her fault. If she had just left rapunzle to her destiny the moon stones power wouldn't of been in Corona in the first place.

If it wasn't here in the first place Varian's mind wouldn't of been corrupted and he wouldn't of killed one of her parents,severely injured the other and murder her most beloved.

"I-its all my fault"
Thus caught Varian's attention.

Wasnt it his?

Two of the guards arrived with a wooden board. To take the dead princess away.

They lifted her body from the ground and placed her on the board. Her hand leaving Cassandra's face, just as her life had.


Cassandra squeaked just before she broke down crying as she saw her best friend being taken away.

She had to use her arms for support to keep herself from falling to the ground.

Varian felt something tug at his heart. It was guilt, he had to admit. He loved Cassandra more than anything and he hated seeing her so heartbroken. Maybe what he had done was wrong-


It was necessary.

So much time had passed and Cassandra was still sobbing. It was a wonder that she hadn't passed ou-

Never mind

Her arms finally gave way and her crying stopped.

Just to make sure she was really ou the boys waited for a couple of minutes.

Yep. Shes out.

"C'mon Varian lets go"

Set broke the silence.
The demon started to walk out of the area.

He looked behind him to see varian kneeling down at Cassandra's side.

"Uh, V what are you doing?"

"Just..give me a minute"

"We should really be go-"

"Can we take her too her room?"


Set teleported the three to her bedroom.

Varian placed the woman on the bed and stood by her side.

"I will make you proud."

He said softly looking up at Set who seemed pretty annoyed.

"Ok lets go"


They left Cassandras room.

They walked through the semi rebuilt halls in the direction to the throne ròom. Maybe he could collect some of his bombs, maybe some didn't go off.

He hadnt found any in-tact ones on the way.

When he arrived he was suprised. He wasn't expecting anyone to be there, he thought the king was recovering still and..oh....

His father and the king were stood talking.

He could hear quirin talking to Frederick of the death of the princess.


Varian cleared his throat

The king turned to see varian. He gave him a look of fury, and rage.

Quirin also turned to see where the noisehad come from. There Varian stood, in his dark blue and black coat, his boy looked like a villain.

(Fred Quirin Varian)

"Is there anything you want to say before I kill you, Fred?"

"Son? How did you break those chains?"

Fred stayed silent

"So you dont have anything left to say?"

"I dont have anything left to lose"

"Suit yourself"

Varian sent a sharp rock at this throat. It was poking the skin ready to pierce it.

"SON!! please he's your king"

"No. Dad, IM my King"

"Why-why are you doing this?"

"To build a better world, the system we have is corrupt."

"And killing and destroying everything and everyone will lead to that?"

"In order to build something new you need to dispose of the old, just like they say. Out with the old and in with the new"

"What- Son. Stop this please-"

"You know, I dont want to kill you but I will if I have too. So dont try to stop me"


"long... live... the king"

And with that he sent the sharp pointed rock through the kings throat. You could see it coming through the back of his neck covered and dripping with blood.

The boy threw his head back in laughter



He laughed harder

His eyes and hair started to glow bright blue. His once smoky blue eyes were now an electric blue, and so was his hair.

He had fully succumb to the darkness and its power


Quirin was smart. His son was gone,as much as it broke him he had to leave. He had to save as many people as he could.

As Quirin left he could here the maniacal laughing of...this monster and everything being destroyed. Probably with the rocks.

Demon's Alchemy (Tangled The Series) !Cassarian!✔completed✔Where stories live. Discover now