One Step to Me

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"What... what have I done?", Varian whispered his heart pounding.

He had kicked Cassandra. He had hurt her...

His vision blurred slightly as he looked at his hands, wondering if they even actually belonged to him.

It was happening.

All over again.

Always the same.



Why did this keep happening to him?!

Why didn't it just stop?


None of this would have ever happened if it weren't for the moonstone.

He wiped away the sweat that already started to form, his body already heating up faster then usual from the attacks.

Varian tried to fight back and calm himself but nothing worked.

The breathing exercises that he had practiced only made him feel worse and the potion he had made only intensified the burning.

"Dammit...", he coughed as he had to rip off his shirt as his chest began to tighten.

Ruddiger watched him unsure what to do as he pounded the wall angrily.

"I can't take this much longer... I can't!", Varian yelled pressing his forehead against it, "I don't want to lose control!!!"

He breathed heavily as he tried to suck in enough air.


"GOD, help me... I don't want to become a MONSTER!!!"




The fluffy raccoon chittered worriedly and tried to walk towards him.

Varian turned towards him his eyes gleaming with something new.

"JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!", he yelled several rocks sprouting and hitting the raccoon.

Ruddiger whimpered and limped away, bleeding and heartbroken.

Varian's eyes widened as he realized what he had done.

"Ruddiger... I-I didn't mean to...", he said his face pale as he tried to get close to the injured raccoon.

Ruddiger squeaked and backed up away from him.

Varian stopped.

Rage, fear and hurt filled him as he stared at his bedroom.

The walls seemed to close in on him.

Varian's eyes flashed white for a moment as his heart beat droned on.

Angry, cynical faces appeared out of nowhere.

Cassandra's disapproving face, Rapunzel's face before turning him away in the storm, the king glaring down at him, the townspeople blaming him for everything.

Chaos reigned within his own mind to a devastating nightmare.

"Aghhh!!", Varian screamed out as his eyes started flashing white on and off.

His head pounded to the same beat as his heart.

Suddenly a volley of black rocks erupted from the floor, breaking and shattering the furniture of the room.

Explosions went off as chemicals went haywire.

Tears streamed down Varian's face as he lost all control.

Everything was mute and far away.

"Varian.", a soft but firm voice broke through.

It sounded so familiar...

He wanted to snap out of it, go to that voice...

But he was held back as the rocks seemed to drive their way into his shattered heart.

He didn't have the strength...

"VARIAN, COME BACK TO ME PLEASE!", the voice echoed as he felt two strong hands grasp his shoulders, "I'M HERE FOR YOU! SNAP OUT OF IT!"

What was the point?

Varian wondered.

There was almost nothing for him. He felt blissful as raw pain bled through him until he was numb.

He should just stay in this white ether-world of nothingness.


Varian felt his heart beat throb.

Someone... wait... that familiar voice believed in him. Trusted in him still.

Varian slowly came out of the white-washed world, slumping down into a weak mess.

He felt the same strong hands support him, catching him before he hit the ground.

Everything hurt.

His body felt like it was on fire as he heard the distant crackle of flames in his room from the destruction of the rocks.

"Varian, look at me."

"..h-hot... really.. hot..", Varian breathed trying to keep his eyes open to the slits he had.

Everything was blurry as he felt a wash of cold water and air cascade over him.

"Is that better? Hey, don't close your eyes!! It's to dangerous right now for that... you might get lost again."

With great effort Varian grasped the strength in him to completely open his eyes; not caring that he was running only on pure fear.

"!! Pl-please...", he cried out his eyes shining with fear, "I-I c-can't go back th-there again!!!"

Set held him close, "It's going to be alright... just focus on staying awake for me at the moment."

Varian shook, "I'm l-losing control..."

"It's only because you're fighting it Varian. You need to accept that you're the moondrop now."

Set watched as Varian only shook his head as he dug his fingernails into his palm.

"I'm going to kill everyone if I do!!"

"Not if you let me help you.", Set said shaking him a little and turning Varian's face to his, "All it takes is one step Varian."

"I-I'm not strong enough... I'll lose control of everything...", Varian sobbed covering his face weakly with his shaking hands, "I just want to forget it all..."

"But you can't.", he interjected firmly, "Accept what you are, who you are Varian."

"And What is that?"

Firelight danced on Set's and Varian's faces as they stared at each other.

"All it takes is one step to me Varian... I can make sure you never lose control.", Set said softly his eyes blazing with emerald light.

Demon's Alchemy (Tangled The Series) !Cassarian!✔completed✔Where stories live. Discover now