Their Lost Home

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He woke up the next day feeling alot better.

Varian sat up on his bed and looked around the room. The rocks where still there from yesterday but Ruddiger seemed fine. Injured, yes. But not dead.

He stared at the rocks. Memories of yesterday coming back. He didnt really seem to bothered.

Varian wondered if he should actually leave his room today. Check on Cass maybe.

He walked too his door and opened it. Nothing unusual.

Varian walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

(Quirin varian)

"Good morning Dad"

"Good morning Son"

He said as he casually sat at the table with some bread.

"Wait- SON??"

Varian responded taking an apple from the side.

"Your- you left your room?!"


"You have been in there for a week and a half"


"What happened?"

"I went to my room"

"I always heard you crying and screaming.."


Quirin was stunned

"What-what was going on?"

"Eh..some stuff that doesnt really concern you."

"Son Im really trying to be a good fa-"

"Im going to Corona to see Cass today"


"Ill see you later dad"

Quirin said nothing as he watched his son walk out the door heading for the capital.
(The fonts are back to normal)

Varian walked through the village. Many people greeted him but he ignored them. They just waste time he thought .

He was walking down a path when he felt something at his feet. He looked down and saw a fuzzy familiar racoon. He smiled

"Hey Ruddy"

The racoon chittered and climbed to his shoulders.

"Its good to see you!"

He said touching his little friends nose


He arrived in corona. Everyone else was busy at work repairing buildings and driving in wagons of supplies. Alot of the old buildings and houses in the main town had been repaired now. Just a few more rooftops to be fixed and placed. Some doors to be attached and then they will need to be stocked with necessary supplies. People havent been able to eat as much because of the rationing, and it showed.

He walked past them all. No one took notice, their tired selves were to busy rebuilding their lost home.

He got to the remains of the castle. The castle had been set aside as necessary rooms were still stable and there were too many people that would of been homeless if it hadnt been.

Standing outside was Rapunzle and Cassandra. From the looks of things the princess was comforting Cass.

As he got closer he could hear what they were saying.

(Rapunzle cass varian)

"Look,Cass. I know you want to go back. But hes proparbly best left alone."

"Raps hes a kid. His dad and no one else will go near his room.. I need to be there for him"

"Cass I dont want this too come out the wrong way but if hes turning away everyone else then why wouldnt he do the same to you?"

"He did"

"Then wait for him to get over whatever's going on. Varian will proparbly come and see you"

"And I have."

Rapunzle jumped back a bit.

"Woah! I didnt see yo-"

"How have you been doing are you ok?"

Cassandra hurried over to him coming down to his level.

"I'm fine..I just came to see if you were"

"Well I am now"


"I mean because you are a-and I was worried about you"

"I was worried about you!you looked like you were in pain whwn you left"

Cass straightened up (impossible XD)
and smiled

"A kick in the gut wont bring this soldier down"

He smiled up at her

"Varian, if you want to talk about it. What was going on?"

"I dont want to talk about it"

He said sharply looking past Cassandra.

"Ok..just when you are know that we are all here to listen."

(IlL mAkE tHeM hEaR mEeEeE)

"Thanks, I guess."

"Are you going to help us with the work?"


(666 words 😱)

Demon's Alchemy (Tangled The Series) !Cassarian!✔completed✔Where stories live. Discover now