The Change in Me

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Varian sighed in boredom looking around the castle courtyard as Rapunzel assigned different jobs.

"Hey Varian, could you use your soap balls or something to clean up the dust and grime please?", Rapunzel asked as he shrugged.

"Sure, why not."

He knew exactly what he was going to do and it wasn't cleaning.

And as the only intellectual, he could use his alchemy and no one would be the wiser.

Cassandra watched him enter the castle with worry and suspicion.

Varian felt different.

He was even acting unlike himself.

She just hoped it one of those teenager phases.

Feeling Cassandra's prying eyes on him, Varian picked up his pace slightly and entered the castle obscuring Cass's view on him.

Servants lined the halls as they swept, dusted and picked up the debris from the battle with Zhan Tiri.

Everyone looked tired and dirty from all the hard work as he passed by them all.

Varian then smiled at them.

"You know I got it from here! You guys can take a tea break.", he offered.

One of the servants looked up, "Are you sure? There's still a lot to do..."

"Of course I am! I got my alchemy, remember?", he laughed good naturally as he pulled out a ball, "I'll get this place clean in no time without any sweat!"

The servants all glanced at each other and grinned.

Varian watched them run off with a smirk.

"So easily manipulated, makes me wonder how they've lasted this long.", he commented.

He then turned and held his ball of alchemy at Set's throat before lowering it.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just checking up on you. How do you feel?", Set asked.

Varian clenched his fist as a black rock grew between them and went back down.

"Powerful.", he said his eyes glinting.

"I told you that all you had to do was let go.", Set smiled.

Set them glanced around, "Scare everyone off?", he smirked.

Varian scoffed, "Just convinced the idiots to go on break."

"Was it that easy?"

"I didn't even have to try.", he said planting an alchemic ball with a fusion of swirling colors.

Varian walked down the halls and continued to hide the chemicals in different sections of the castle.

Set followed him and watched Varian with his hands in his pockets.

"So what do you got there?", Set asked curiously.

Varian stopped and turned to look at him.

"It's a surprise."

Set smirked, "What, you can't tell me? Is it that big?"

"I wouldn't want to ruin the fun."

"Fun? We're getting serious here are we??"

"Maybe... this is just the beginning though. Soon this will look like child's play."

Set watched Varian as he placed another ball under the king's and queen's throne.

"I'm glad to see you're better... it was upsetting to see you in pain Varian.", he spoke up placing a hand on his shoulder.

Varian shrugged.

"That was in the past. This time is mine now for the taking and I won't waste my talents on the people.", he sneered, "I don't even know why I let them get away with the pain they put me through. If it wasn't for Rapunzel none of them would have ever accepted me back."

"Who knows? Maybe they would have forgiven you. You've proven to them that you changed."

Varian clenched his teeth, "And that's the funny thing, I've saved their lives and only when the princess told them of my good deeds did they listen."

"Funny how a different voice can change everything."

"They still treat Cass wrong though... treating her like a bad animal throwing rocks at her and shouting insults at her."

He punched the wall angrily, "But at the same time... Cass just seems to try to keep getting in my way..."

Feelings surged through his chest.

Why wouldn't Cass just accept him?

Why wouldn't she just have let him be instead of prying?

Was she trying to stop him from becoming stronger?

Was she just holding him back from knowledge?

Varian shook his head angrily.

"Sometimes people can't accept what others have Varian.", Set said breaking his thoughts.

"As in jealousy?"

"Pretty much.", Set nodded, "Your power is something everyone craves."

Varian stared into Set's deep emerald eyes, "Are you saying Cass wants my power??! Why would she-?"

"I could be wrong."

Set held up his hands in a gesture of peace then he smiled looking around the room.

"I'll guess we'll find out after your big surprise.", he said.

Varian looked back at the throne looming over him.

"Yeah, I guess I will."

He then left the room.

Demon's Alchemy (Tangled The Series) !Cassarian!✔completed✔Where stories live. Discover now