The Truth Hurts

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Varian looked up from the book to see Set gone


He looked down to the book

"I wonder if it's all in latin?"

He opened the book and sighed in relief

"Not latin"

He read about the same man from the book earlier. This time he got more on his story.

Theon was a boy. A misunderstood unfortunate boy. No one liked him and saw him as a monster, you see as his mother was giving him life he took hers. Not only that but when he was at the age of 10 his father and two sisters had mysteriously gone missing.

Every blamed this poor boy Theon. After all, if he had taken his mothers life couldnt he of taken the lives of the rest of his family?

No one stood up for him. No one.

After a couple of days of rocks being thrown at him and nearlly being stabbed a few times he decided to leave his village, this broke him.

The village was the only place he ever knew. His father ,if he would return. Would not know where to find him..

He decided to take the route of the river when he saw them.

He saw his father lying dead on the ground with multiple stab wounds and now rotting skin. He didnt need to be close for the wretched smell.

He found his sisters in the same condition..

Just as he got close some of the villagers that were walking the same way had seen him. They charged after him but he blocked them. He blocked them with a sword he had found on the ground next to the corpses of the people he loved..

Strangely when he blocked them they became in cased in a black shell

He didn't know what was going on.

They were frozen statues of block rock.

More villagers saw this and sent them after him.

No one knows what happened next

Apart from where the village once stood, there is a fortress. A castle made of the same black rock.

In the castle Theon lived. He had died because he was consumed by his power and had become a destruction machine. He had become a monster.

The black fortress was over run by a group of warriors that called themselves the brother hood. They killed Theon because he had become a monster..

Ever since, the later generations of the brother hood have kept the power of the moonstone safe and away.The stone that consumed Theon with madness. With evil, with power.

There soon became a small kingdom, a fortress that became the dark kingdom.

Anyone who has had the moonstone since then has become destructive monsters.

I only write this because I need the future to be safe. The only way to destroy the evil is to kill the beast

Varians hands started shaking and his eyes started to sting


His hands began shaking so much he dropped the book. It slipped off his bed and landed on the wooden floor with a loud THUD.


He began to curl up on himself

"I-I cant"

Demon's Alchemy (Tangled The Series) !Cassarian!✔completed✔Where stories live. Discover now