babysitting |29|

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billie's POV

"i want to see you naked right now" alexis orders as she stumbles a little. her glasses are fogged up from quinn blowing smoke in her face and she's giggling like mad. "lex, you gotta chill out" i say, trying to get her to lay down but she just keeps popping back up. "bro, i just realized something." her eyes go wide and as i take her glasses off to clean the smoke off of them. "what'd you realize baby?" i ask. "we evolved from monkeys.... but we still have monkeys." she explains. "wait hold on a second."  i furrow my eyebrows at what she just said and she puts the hood of her jacket on. "and if spongebob is absorbent and lives in bikini bottom..... would that make him a tampon? OH MY FUCKING GOD THEY HAVE SPONGEBOB TAMPONS" she screams. "alexis. shut the fuck up!" quinn yells from the hammock. "you shut the fuck up" she stands up on her bed angrily and yanks the hammock so quinn falls out of it. "fucking bitch" quinn groans and tries to hit her but i pull alexis away right before she can. "come on baby, let's go get you some water" i suggest. "not one person has ever been in an empty room" she continues as i lead her down to the kitchen. 

"when does your mom get home tonight? do you know?" i ask. "like 11 and my dad gets home at 10 because apparently he has something important paperwork to do so he'll have to stay late" she explains. "what about layla?" i ask. "sh-she'll be home soon. it's like 8:30 right now right?" she asks. "yeah" i nod, sitting her down in one of the seats around the table as i grab a glass and fill it with water. "my head hurts. did i fall?" she asks, trying to remember what's happened tonight. "how high are you?" i ask, handing her the water. "i don't know. like 5'7" she answers. "lex, did you smoke more when i went to the bathroom?" i ask. "they gave me a big blunt and told me to smoke it before you came back to see if you noticed" she coughs out. "did you do it?" i ask. "i was peer pressured i'm sorry" she frowns and starts to tear up. "alexis don't cry again" i groan and walk around the table to hug her so she'll stop. 

god i feel like i'm babysitting a four year old.

she stops crying and drinks the entire glass of water in one chug. "shots!" she shouts and tries to throw the glass but i grab it from her before she can do it. i hear a loud bang from upstairs and groan. i grab onto alexis's arm and pull her upstairs with me. once i get up there i see that quinn is laying on the floor with alexis's dresser on top of her. "god damn it!" i curse and pick up the dresser. "thanks billie!" quinn smiles and boops my nose, hopping up as if she weren't hurt at all even though this dresser is heavy as fuck. i pick everything up and put it back in its place and i turn around and see delilah practically undressing alexis. "woah! let's not do that" i fake smile and pull alexis's bralette back down. i grab one of her hoodies and pull her to the bathroom with me. i take her jacket off so i can put her hoodie on but that only makes her smirk and try to kiss me. "i'm not gonna fuck you so don't try" i snap at her and take off her bralette so she's more comfortable, i know she doesn't like the feeling of lace very much. she puts one hand on my hip and grabs my ass with the other, smacking it harshly. "alexis. stop." i order. i grab her arms gently and bring them above her head so i can put the hoodie on her. she puts the hood on and yanks the strings, tying them in a little bow by her chin. she runs out of the bathroom, flailing her arms around carelessly as she runs to her room. she makes a "lololololololololo" sound and next thing i know i hear quinn and delilah doing the same. i get into alexis's room and see them all running around in a circle, flailing their arms around and making the noise alexis was just making. i sigh and hear the front door open. i jog downstairs and see layla is in the kitchen. "layla i need your help" i groan and pull her upstairs. "god damn it alexis" layla sighs once we get to her room. 

"when did she smoke last?" layla asks, grabbing alexis and trying to look her in the eyes. "about twenty minutes ago i think" i answer. "what about those two?" she asks, pointing at delilah and quinn who are still running around in a circle. "i honestly have no idea. i know alexis has smoked two big blunts by herself but i don't know how much they have" i explain. "did they play spin the blunt?" she rolls her eyes, probably hoping i say no. "yeah" i nod. "ugh. okay. go down to the kitchen. in the cabinet beside the stove is all the medicine. i want you to get three melatonin pills and a bottle of water from the fridge. there should be a full one in there already." she explains. "got it" i nod and jog down to the kitchen. i get everything she told me to and go back up to alexis's room. somehow she has all three of them pinned to the floor and they are dead silent. "okay, i'm gonna open their mouths and you put the melatonin in them. we'll start with alexis." she says, gently tapping alexis's mouth. alexis opens her mouth and i put the pill in it, pouring some of the water into her mouth as well. "swallow it." layla orders, tugging alexis's hair slightly. alexis does as told and we do the exact same thing with quinn and delilah. "okay. they usually go right to sleep when i do this so we gotta get them in bed right now." she explains. "got it"

we get all of them in alexis's bed and they fall asleep almost immediately. "i do this monthly so if you need help, i got you. but only monthly. never do it two days in a row or even in the same week. strictly once a month." she explains. "alright. thank you so much." i sigh in relief that the noise has stopped. "no problem. i'm gonna go to bed, either you can attempt to get up into the hammock, head home or sleep on the couch." she says. "i'll try the hammock" i shrug, looking up at it. "good night and good luck" she laughs and waves as she leaves. 

i actually got up to the hammock pretty easily. i was surprised at how easily. the smell of weed fills the room so i try to figure out a way to mask it. i put my shirt over my nose but it smells like weed as well because of the amount of times quinn and delilah blew smoke at me. alexis was careful to never do that. whenever they would she'd snap at them and tell them not to do that, which would only make them do it more.

long story short, i never want to do that again. 

but god knows i probably will have to.

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