smokey the bear |28|

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alexis's POV

i get back upstairs with a cup full of ice and see billie is on the phone. "so um.... i may have gotten a stick and poke tattoo." she sucks through her teeth. "YOU WHAT?" i hear a male voice, probably finneas's, yell through the phone. "i know what you're thinking, but lex was careful and everything was clean and sterile. and it's small. it's on my wrist and i already cover them so the media won't know" she explains. "fine. but you're telling mom and dad." he orders. "i know. i will. i um... i gotta go but i love you. can you please tell mom and dad i'm spending the night?" she asks once she sees me. "yeah i guess so. i love you too." he responds. she hangs up and hugs me. "it'll be okay." i comfort her, rubbing her back. "i know. i just needed a hug." she sighs. "here baby, we gotta ice your wrist." i tell her, not wanting to let go of her but knowing i have to. "okay." she agrees and holds her wrist out. "it turned out really good. you should do this professionally someday" she suggests. "thank you. i think you really pull it off." i say, running the ice over her wrist carefully. 

after a few minutes billie puts her sleeve down and i let quinn and delilah in. "do mine next biyatch" quinn orders. "you gotta say please" i remind her. "please" she groans. "okay. do you have it picked out?" i ask. "yes ma'am" she nods and sits down on the floor. i sit down in front of her and pull billie to my side. delilah climbs up into the hammock and quinn explains what she wants. "billie, play one of your songs" i demand, tapping her leg with my free hand as i get everything ready. "okay" she agrees and plays bellyache. "something calmer, i need to focus" i rephrase. "you got it" she nods and plays party favor. "this is my girlfriend y'all. that's her singing" i brag as the song plays. "your room looks weird without the red lights on. i for real didn't know that you had regular lights" billie tells me. "crazy huh" i laugh. 

once quinn is done she picks up one of the ice cubes and runs it over her tattoo with one hand and hits the dab pen with the other. delilah hops down from the hammock and sits where quinn just was. she explains what she wants and i listen intently. "my girl is so professional" billie boasts and kisses my cheek. "says the fucking rockstar" i laugh and boop her nose. i start drawing on delilah's tattoo with a sharpie and she sucks through her teeth. "this is the fucking-" i start but cut myself off, deciding to have some fun and see her freak out. "fuck!" quinn screams and i see her fall from the hammock. "dumb bitch you made me mess up!" i groan. "what?!" delilah exclaims. "shit i think i hit a vessel. holy shit that's a lot of blood." i cover my mouth and quickly stand up, making delilah scream. i give billie a look and she smiles a little but covers it. she grabs one of my shirts from the floor and presses it to delilah's neck as she continues to freak out. "you'll be okay. you're okay" billie says as i run to the bathroom. i grab one of the hand held mirrors and bring it back with me. i hear them all screaming and billie telling them to calm down while also screaming. "here, look at it" i tell her. billie takes the shirt away and i position the mirror so delilah can see her neck. "fuck you" she says and pushes me playfully. "i can't believe you thought the sharpie was a needle" i laugh, making her roll her eyes as billie laughs with me. 

i finish up on her tattoo and clean all my stuff up, putting it back in its place. "alright. now the party really starts" quinn smiles, hanging her head out of the hammock upside down. she flips out of the hammock and walks over to her bag, digging out a joint and a lighter. "okay, let's play spin the blunt. whoever it lands on has to smoke the whole thing in 45 seconds" she suggests. 

we've played spin the blunt before. i was the only one that was able to actually finish it though. everyone else we played with had to have someone help them. "i don't know about-" i start but they cut me off. "spin the blunt, spin the blunt" they chant. i look over at billie and she nods, telling me it's okay. "are you sure?" i mouth to her, getting her to nod once again. "fine" i sigh and sit down in the circle. "are you gonna play?" quinn asks, pointing to billie. "nah, i don't fuck with that" she shakes her head and climbs up into the hammock, taking out her phone. "billie, come sit with me." i frown. "okay." she says after a second of hesitation. i pull her onto my lap and wrap my arms around her. "i'm sorry." i whisper. "it's okay. really." she assures me. they spin the blunt and it lands on quinn. "damn it, i wanted to see alexis finish another all by herself" she groans. "let's not talk about that" i suggest, covering billie's ears. she laughs a little and lays her head back on my shoulder. i watch as quinn lights it and tries to finish it. it was a little one so it should be easy. she brings it to her lips and starts to inhale as delilah times her. "she's not gonna do it" i whisper in billie's ear as we reach 30 seconds and she's not even halfway done. "times up" delilah announces. "shit!" quinn frowns. "get out of the circle and finish it up." i order. "rainbow lights! please!" quinn begs. "fine." i sigh and turn them on. the rainbow lights turn on and fade into different colors slowly. there's also a mode that will make them flash but i'm not in the mood for that shit. "okay. now let's bump it up a little shall we" delilah suggests. she takes out a slightly bigger joint and spins it, only to make it land on her. "she won't be able to do it either" i tell billie. "k ready? go" i say, starting the timer. 

long story short she didn't make it. "alright smokey. it's your turn" quinn sings, taking out a big joint and handing it to me. i look at billie once again and she nods, telling me to go ahead. i take the blunt from quinn and she lights it before starting the timer. i suck in for as long as i can and blow the smoke in the opposite direction billie is in. i take another hit and continue this process until i finish it. "34 seconds. that's a new record" quinn announces with a dropped jaw. "thank you, thank you" i bow. billie turns around and looks me in the eyes, inspecting them with a focused look. "you said it was-" i start but she cuts me off by kissing me. i feel her gum slide into my mouth and smirk against the kiss. she pulls away and smirks at me, putting her arm around me as quinn and delilah start to "oooo".

for the rest of the night i keep billie on my lap, kissing her neck every once in a while. "looks like someone gets needy when they're high huh?" she laughs a little. "you're so sexy" i mumble against her skin. "lex, chill" she rolls her eyes with a small laugh and pushes my head playfully. "i love you so much" i tell her, wrapping my arms around her waist and laying my head on her shoulder. meanwhile, quinn and delilah and just dancing and staring at the tapestry on my wall as it changes colors with the lights. "i love you too lex" she responds and kisses my forehead. "you saved my life. i'm so grateful for you" i say, starting to tear up. "don't cry baby" she frowns.  "i just love you so much!" i sob, burying my face into her neck and making her laugh. "i love you too" she repeats, rubbing my back. she's facing me so she wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me closer so i'll stop crying. "i don't know why i just got so emotional" i laugh and wipe away the tears. "it's alright, everybody cries sometimes" she comforts me and smiles. "dance with me beautiful" i demand, standing up and wrapping my arms around her, swaying us back and forth slowly and keeping my head on her shoulder.

holy shit i love her so much

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