Chapt. 64: Last Moments, Please Forgive Me

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I groan and force my eyes open when I start to gain consciousness back, but my eyesight is blurry. "You're awake." Madara is sitting next to me. "I should have suspected your illness will come back once you turned human." 

"Madara..." My voice is hoarse as I turn my head to him. I look around and realize we're in the same place where he had transported Karin and I when he was talking to the 5 Kage's. 

"The cure I gave you. Where is it? I tried finding it on you but it was nowhere to be found." That's right. He doesn't know that I gave it to Ritsu. When I didn't answer Madara's question, he stands up and begins to perform hand signs. "Looks like it can't be helped... I know this is the last thing you want, but it's the only way to return you back to health." 

'Is he going to turn me back into a demon!?' My eyes widen and leans down to place his hand on my forehead. 

"This will only take a moment. Hold still." He is! 

I quickly sit up with the strength I can manage and wrap my arms around his waist tighly. This causes Madara to sit on the ground and I shout while shutting my eyes, "Don't!" I hug him tighter. "You can't! Please, Madara!" 

"If I don't do this you will die." He looks down at me. "Your sickness is returning faster than you think." 

"I don't want to go back to being a demon! I'll be killing more people and fighting again, and taking chakra! I don't want to go through that again! Please Madara! I don't want to do that again...! Please!..." 

"There's no other way, Akina." Madara looks down at me. He looked hurt and he can tell how upsetting this is for me. He doesn't want me to suffer. 

"Let me stay like this a little longer! Let me stay human!... Just a little bit more...! If I feel myself beginning to slip can do it... You can turn me into a demon again... Just let me stay this way for a while longer... Then, you can perform the you did back save me..." I lose my grip and close my eyes as my body begins to shut down again. 

Madara holds me close to him and sighs. "As you wish... Just a bit longer." 

After a while, I feel myself being carried on Madara's back. I can feel him jumping from tree branch to tree branch with the tailed beast following us. I'm too weak to move my body. My head is beginning to hurt. 

"Akina!" I hear Naruto's voice and hear something clash. "Give her back!" He sounds very close. He's shouting at Madara. I feel Madara jump away and I hear Naruto's voice again, "What did you do to her this time!?" 

"I didn't do anything." Madara replies. "I allowed you to take her the last time we encountered each other. This time I won't have you take her again." 

"She's safer with us than she is with you!" 

"Oh?" Madara tauts. "Take a good look at her, Naruto. She is growing weaker by the second. If she were to return to the Leaf, she will die. I'm the only one who can keep her alive." 

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