Chapt. 34: Onto The Next Darling?

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I delivered Sasuke to Orochimaru as planned. So willingly that Sasuke decided to join us. This will give me time to myself instead of obsessing to fight me all the time. But, it didn't take long for the Leaf Village to send a search party to find Sasuke. So, Orochimaru had sent his underlings to hold them off. 

"You're fitting with the rest quite nicely, Akina." My eyes slightly widen from the voice. Ritsu... 

"What are you doing here?" I glare at him. Don't tell me... 

"Would you believe me if I told you that I've been working alongside with Orochimaru this entire time?" 

"Yeah, I can see that happening. How long have you been working for him?" 

"Since the day you killed my teammates and my sensei." Ritsu glares. That's right. Ritsu suddenly went AWOL after I was placed on another team. I never expected him to go to the Legendary Sanin. 

"So, were you his spy this whole time or what?" I ask. 

"I was. He wanted me to be his eyes and ears when he wasn't around the village. What I hated was that I had to look after you upon his request. Ever since the ambush on the Leaf, he has asked me to spy on you and tell him every bit of your whereabouts." 

"Don't I feel flattered to be stocked by my old teammate who is taking orders from the crazy scientist of a snake. You must feel proud." I roll my eyes at the end of my sentence. 

"Looking after you is the last thing I would ever do!" 

"And yet here you are, taking orders from Orochimaru and in the same room as me. What does that tell you?" I glance at Ritsu with the corner of my eye. "What did he promise you if you were to join you?" 

"That's none of your business." Ritsu scoffs. "What will you do now that you no longer have a Darling? Who will you feed off of next?" 

"That's none of your business." I glare at him, mocking him. 

"There are plenty of unworthy experiments that you can eat from." 

"You're funny." I say, sarcastically. I already know about the experiments that Orochimaru has kept in cells. He either uses them or takes over their body, or kills them. "Like the people in here have what I need. All of it is useless. But, there is one person I have in mind..." I look up at the ceiling as I pend through my thoughts. "Are you done talking to me? I want to sleep."

"We both know you don't sleep." Ritsu scoffs again before leaving me in my room alone. 

After another moment or so, I left my room and went to check on Orochimaru and Sasuke. Mainly Orochimaru. He shouldn't be even fighting Sasuke if his arms are weak. 

I walk into the training room to see Sasuke using his chidori on the targets that have been planted on the walls in the room. Orochimaru is standing near the doorway, watching Sasuke.

Sasuke is trying to use his chidori to guide his kunai to the targets. But, he all of the kunai's, except for one, miss the targets. "Your aim is poorly uneven with your chidori. You're not even guiding the kunai in the right direction." Orochimaru criticizes. "Are you even trying or are you trying to entertain me, Sasuke?" He smirks at the boy. 

"I'm going to losing chakra if I keep using my chidori like this. Isn't there another method you teach me?" Sasuke complains. 

"Oh, believe me, I have a lot more in store for you, Sasuke~" Did he have to smirk and hiss when he said that? What a pedophile. "Actually, this is perfect. Akina." Orochimaru turns his body to my direction with the same smirk still on his face. "Why don't you come over here and show Sasuke how it's done. Maybe he can learn something from you." 

"You really think I can pull it off?" I ask out of curiosity. 

"Ritsu has told me almost everything about you. I don't think something simply as this is a hard task for you to do. Don't be shy." Orochimaru lifts his arm out to me, gesturing me to walk inside the room a bit more. 

I silently sigh and enter into the room. I pick up the kunai that were scattered all over the floor and stand in the center of the room. The chidori is an easy technique for me to pull off. But guiding the kunai to each target looks complicated. 

Oh, well. 

Knowing me, I don't need to use hand signs to make a jutsu. All I need is the chakra that is stored within me. I kneel down and perform chidori, then fling the kunai around. With the chidori, it causes the kunai to swarm around like flies before hitting each target on point. 

After the chidori slowly dies down, I stand up from my kneeling position and flick some hair over my shoulder. "Happy?" I question while placing a hand on a hip. 

"Excellent, Akina." Orochimaru praised. "So much work to be done. You can take a break, Sasuke. We'll train again tonight." Orochimaru leaves the training room, leaving me and Sasuke alone. 

"How is it that you are able to master the chidori without any training or hand signs?" Sasuke asks while glaring at me at the same time. 

"You really don't know a thing about me." I sigh and scratch the back of my head. "I'm the type of shinobi who doesn't require hand signs to make a jutsu. That's all you need to know. I'm wasted enough time here. I'm going outside." I walk out of the room, but stop at the doorway when Sasuke speaks, 

"Who will you go to now that you left Naruto behind?" 

There was a long pause between us, but my eyes remained dull. "Don't know. For now I can feed off of the lowlife experiments here. Why do you ask? Are you saying that you want to be my new Darling? Because if you want to," I'm already in front of Sasuke as my lips are close to his ear and I whisper, "I don't think you'll survive for the 3rd time." I lean back and look at Sasuke dead in the eyes. "Think before you want to go through with something. You don't want to end up like the others, do you?" 

Having said that, I left the room and went outside. As I left, I felt a smirk appear on Sasuke's lips while I heard a faint, "Hmph." 


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