Chapt. 22: Don't Go, Let Me Stand By You!

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It was the day of the Chunin Exams and Kakashi ad Sasuke were still in training. But, I didn't want to go with them this time. "You know you have to come with me when I train Sasuke, Akina. Why is this an issue all the sudden?" Kakashi asks me when I refuse to go to the mountains. 

"Because I don't want to. Why is that so hard to understand?" I respond, throwing my hands behind my head. 

"Because wherever I go, you have to come with me. Did something happen between you and Sasuke? You two hardly spoke a word to each other ever since I began his training." 

Oh, yeah. He doesn't know about what happened last night. "Would you believe me if I told you that we had a feud last night?" I look up at him. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Last night. Sasuke came by your house and near my bedroom, and wanted to fight me." 

"The two of you fought last night? What happened?" 

"He said he wanted to talk and insisted on fighting me. I declined and was going to come back" I begin to glare. "But he made the first move and attacked me with that technique you taught me. So I retaliated." 


"What? He was the one who started it! I wasn't going to let him talk down on me!" I shout and growl while baring my teeth. "I'm not going to let everyone walk all over me!-" I blink whe Kakashi starts stroking the top of my head. 

"You should have told me about this the moment you returned back." That caring side again... "Sasuke never should have provoked you and never should have used that technique. Not on you. I will have a word with him before we start our training." 

"You're not mad?" 

"No. Why would I be? Sasuke acted out first and you reacted back. Even though, you shouldn't have went alone and fought."

"But you are going to tell the old man, aren't you?" I glare. 

"No." Kakashi shakes his head. "I'll let it slide." 


"Really. Now, let's go." Kakashi and I went to the mountain where Sasuke was waiting for us. Before they could begin their training, Kakashi was lecturing Sasuke about how to properly use his Chidori. 

I sat in my usual spot, sitting against a large rock, and watch. Time had passed and their training had begun. Don't they know that they're going to be late for the exams. They know it's today, right? But we're pretty far from the village. Actually, further than the past few days. 

I guess Kakashi wanted to train Sasuke everything he knew. I wonder how my Darling is doing. If I remember correctly, he'll be going against Neji. 

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