Chapt. 59: The Possibilities

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I left Itachi's cell and went with Naruto to the ramen shop. My conversation with Itachi went on for 25 minutes. I kept the medicine with me just in case, because Itachi warned me that my illness may, or may not come back. 

"If your illness does return, keep the medicine with you for safe keeping. You may be human, but that doesn't mean your sickness is gone. If you still have the mark, then you are temporarily human. The mark should have disappeared. But, because it's still there, you're in a temporary state. Do not tell anybody about the medication, Akina. Keep it with you at all times." 

Those were Itachi's words before I left the cell. I've noticed that people are respecting Naruto a lot. They're not glaring at him or being disrespectful. They're...happy to see Naruto. Has the village really changed? 

To be honest, I'm still scared to be back here... What will happen once everyone figures out that I was the demon who nearly destroyed the village? Frightful expressions will be shown... 

"Akina, are you okay?" Naruto asks me. 

"Mhm..." I nod my head. I turn around to see medical ninja standing behind us. 

"Akina, please come with us. Lady Hokage wants you to for medical treatment." One of the medic ninja tell me. Naruto sees how scared I am, so he gently places his hand over mine. 

"I'll come with you." He tells me. Naruto and I go with the medical ninja to the Hokage Tower, and I am taken into a white room. It had a monitor, a see-through window, a metal bed, and some wires connected with the monitor. 

It reminds me of back then...

"It won't be as painful as you think. You won't feel a thing. I promise." Tsunade tells me. "Naruto, you can watch from the window. 

"I'll be right outside. It'll be okay." Naruto kisses the top of my head before leaving. I am instructed to lie down on the metal bed and wires were hooked up to my head, chest, arms, stomach, and legs. 

As Tsunade promised, the procedure was painless. Nothing seemed to hurt expect for the shot they gave me to extract blood for a blood test. Vitals were checked, as were my heartrate, pulse, and reflexes. Also, there were X-rays. 

This didn't take long as I thought it would. It went by pretty fast. "Everything looks normal. You're as healthy as a horse." Tsunade smiles after looking at the results.

"Thank you very much." I bow my head. I thought the procedures would be the same, but they were a lot different. 

"We'll also have to do some testing on Naruto." She informs. She wants to make sure Naruto is okay, seeing how I took a large amount of his chakra. 

Shizune walks me out of the room and I am immediately hugged by Naruto. I hug him back and bury my face in his chest. "Naruto, Lady Tsunade would like to do some testing on you as well. It won't take long." Shizune takes Naruto into the same room I was in. 

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