Chapt. 33: Join Me, Kidnapping Sasuke

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A Shinobi Killer... They have the ability to take away chakra and store it inside of them, thus making them stronger. When fighting somebody, they asorb their opponents chakra or release the chakra they have stored inside them to defeat their opponent. 

I've been called a monster so many times just because of this ability. This curse... It's time to live up to my title. 

I had joined the Legendary Sanin, Orochimaru, to gain my freedom. In return, I would be his personal bodyguard. I am close to going back to my original form. My horns have stuck out and my hair is slowly turning purple. 

Leaving everything behind and taking a new step forward... More like the same step forward. "Akina. You have finally decided to join Orochimaru." Kabuto smirks at me while Orochimaru and I walk pass him down the hall in Orochimaru's hideout. "He has good plans for you, Akina. You won't be disappointed." 

I don't say a word to him as I continue to walk down the hall. Orochimaru's arms have turned black becuase of the old man's jutsu on him. Therefore, Orochimaru won't be able to do any jutsu's for a while. 

I'm no medical ninja, so I won't be of any use to him in healing his arms. But, he does need me for his next plan. And that is to get Sasuke to join him. As I said, he has been keeping an eye on me and Sasuke during his time in the village. 

"What do you want with Sasuke?" I ask him. "If I'm going to be your bodyguard or whatever, you're going to have to tell me about your plan for Sasuke." I stand in front of Orochimaru as he sits in his chair. 

"Fair enough point." Orochimaru smirks before coughing. "Sasuke wants power and wants to be stronger. I can grant him the power that he desires so much. Only you have the power to hand him over to us. But, in return for him and getting power, I will need his body." Orochimaru smirks at the end of his sentece. 

"His body?" I tilt my head to the side with an unimpressed look. "Now I get it." I sigh. "You need a new body because the one you're using is starting to wither away. You're jumpig from one body to another in order to keep living. That explains your different appearances. But, it's not going to be easy getting him to join you. But, I will see what I can do. When should I go out to get him?" 


"On it." I turn around and begin to walk out of hte room, but stop in my tracks to tell him. "By the way, I won't need any help from your underlings. They will only slow me down. I will handle this my way." I say the last part of my sentence in a dark tone. 

I leave the hideout and went back to the village. I made sure that I wasn't seen by any of the ANBU or other shinobi. To keep myself hidden, I use a camoflauging jutsu that allows me to hide in shadows only. 

'Where are you, Sasuke?' I think to myself and slithering through the village like a snake. I turn off the jutsu and hide in the trees to find Sasuke tied to a tree by Kakashi's wires. They're talking about something, but I can't make out their words. I'm too far away from them. I'll have to wait for Kakashi to leave. 

My focus is on Sasuke since my only objective is to get him to come to Orochimaru's side. Once Kakashi leaves, Sasuke stays in his place as if he were in deep though of something. But he stays there for hours. Whatever Kakashi said to him is really getting to him. 

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