Chapt. 14: A Visit From The Snake, Orochimaru & Akina's Encounter!

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"I have to be in my cell temporarily!? That wasn't apart of the deal! I've been behaving as I should!" I growl at the old man. After I had dropped off squad 7 to room 301, ANBU came and got me, and took me to the old man office. He told me that I had to be back in my cell until the exams are over. This isn't fair! I've been behaving as I should! I haven't killed anybody! 

"It's just for precaution. I don't want you to be anywhere near the genin while the exams are being taken. It's for safety reasons." The old man glares at me. "Also, you are due for another testing." 

"This is crazy! I'm still in the damn chains and shackles!" I've been in the chains ever since we got back from the Land of Waves. 

"That may be so, but I cannot risk you getting out of control. I know how you get about these exams, Akina." 

"That was in the past. It's different now." I glare. 

"I'm not taking the risk. I'm sorry, Akina." He nods his head and two ANBU grab both of my arms and drag me out of the room, then dragging me to the basement of the Hokage Tower. Damn prick! He's not sorry for this! 

"Let go!" I shout before I am thrown into my cell harshly. I growl at the ANBU as one of them lock the door, then leave. 

Back in my dark cell once again... No use in trying to fight. I sit against the wall and pull my knees up to my chest, then placing my head in my knees. 

It's so dark... Quiet. I hate this... It's just like before... This wasn't the first time I've been tossed into a room just as this. This has happened many times, and I'm not yet use to it. 

Dammit... Dammit...! Dammit! 

"You poor thing." I snap my head up when I hear a voice from the dark. I don't recognize it. It's not familiar to me. Is somebody down here? How? I didn't hear the door open. 

"Who's there?" I call out. 

"Has this been happening recently? Being tossed in a dark cell and treated like a nobody? How awful." 

"Who are you? Come out and show yourself!" I bark. I hear the person chuckle as they step in front of the cell, coming into the light. 

It was a man with long black hair, pale skin, and the pupils in his eyes were slit like a snake's or a cat's. I've never seen this man before. Who is he? "No need to be alarmed, child. My name is Orochimaru, and I am here to help you." 

"Orochimaru?" I repeat his name. Never heard of him. "And help me? The last person who tried to help me ended up using me and beating me half to death. How do I know that you're not the same? And how did you get pass the shinobi guarding outside?" I ask. 

"I have  my ways around closed doors." He replies with a chuckle. "Believe me when I tell you that I am not like the other person who tried to free you. I know what you desire, Akina. I've been watching you for quite a while now. And what you desire is freedom." My eyes slightly widen when he's correct. "You want to take flight, but you can't as long as you're chained down like a dog. But I can make your desire come true. I can set you free." 

"Idiot." I scoff. "Do you have any idea what I am and what I'm called around here? I'm a Shinobi Killer. Somebody like you can't handle me. Not even the old man. You're wasting your time." I turn my head away. 

"You may be a Shinobi Killer, but I see something more worthy than that. You have been given a special and unique power that no shinobi can resist. What if I were to tell you that you could go wherever you wanted to without being tied down? What if you could finally have a taste of what you've been longing for. What you desire most other than being free is becoming human, is that right?" 

I gasp as my eyes become wide again. How does he know such a thing?... What I've longed for other than freedom is to become human... I wat to become human...more than anything.... "You're right..." I answer him while hanging my head. 

"I can get you out of here, Akina. I can make your desire come true. However, there is a small price that you have to pay." 

"What is it?" 

"I know you don't like to be tied down, but you just have to do this one thing for me, and that is to become my pupil." 

"That's it?" I blink in surprise and with confusion. 

"Also, your protection." 


"Yes." Orochimaru nods his head. "Think about it, Akina. Call me once you have your answer." And with that said, Orochimaru was out of my sight. It's like he vanished within thin air. 

Was every word he just said true? Can he actually free me? Can he really turn me human? How does he know all this stuff? How long has he been watching me? Mizuki said the same thing to me, but he ended up using me for his own personal gain. How is Orochimaru any different? 

It's because of his words. They were persuasive. I want to believe him, but what if he turns out to be the same? There is no telling. 


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