Chapt. 35: 2 Years Later! Emotionless & A Strange Connection

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~Time Skip to Shippuden~ 

A Shinobi Killer... Someone who has the ability to take chakra from others and store it inside their body. Whenever in battle, they can release that chakra in order to make them stronger while taking chakra from their opponent at the same time. A Shinobi Killer can take as much chakra as they want as if it were their life source. 

It's been 2 years since I've left my home that I have called a prison for so long. My purpose was to look for a Darling to make me human so that I can meet my original Darling from back then. After everything I've been doing, I didn't realize that my Darling had been right in front of me the whole time. 

I thought things could work out between us both after everything we've done together, but I was rejected and called the one thing I hate being called most... The thing that I've become... The thing I've tried to disguise myself from... The thing I've been this whole time... 

A monster...

I was set free from a Sanin, Orochimaru, and he had grant me the one thing I've craved. Freedom. Now, I am his bodyguard. Helping him complete his work. But, I wasn't alone. 

Sasuke Uchiha had also joined Orochimaru for power so that one day he can kill his brother, and to beat me one day. To this day, I have not changed from my form. My hair is completely purple and the horns on my head have turned black, and my nails are black ad sharp. 

My clothes look raggedy and my feet are bandaged. Yet, this is what I wore when I was a child. When I became a monster...

At this point, I don't feel any emotion... My form has completely changed. 

During my time in Orochimaru's hideout, enjoying my freedom, I have met most of the other test subjects. Most of them are for me to keep an eye on. Like for an example, there is a young man in a tank, Suigetsu Hozuki. 

Sasuke let him out of the tank a while back and Orochimaru had sent me to go after him. The other one is a woman with red hair. Prisoners escaped from the hideout and I watched Sasuke and Kain track them down. My only job was to observe the to see how storng Sasuke has gotten thank to Orochimaru's training. 

And last, but not least, Jugo. He is an unstable man who cannot control his cursemark. Kimimaro was the only person who could calm down Jugo whenever his he had his outbreaks. But, ever since Kimimaro had passed away, nobody has been able to calm down Jugo whenever he got agrressive. 

One day, Orochimaru sent me to another hideout to check on Jugo. Of course, he attacked me the moment I opened the door. But, I meanaged to calm him down. It wasn't that hard. Now, to this day, Jugo has been calm and protective of me. When an inmate tried to attack me while I was leaving the hideout, Jugo was there to protect me. 

But the thing is... I didn't care about his protection or anybody in the hideout. 

Right now, I am with Orochimaru who is getting ready for his rendezvous point with one of the Akatsuki memebers, Sasori of the Red Sand. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you, Orochimaru?" I ask him, since I am his guardian. 

"I will be fine. Kabuto will be coming with me. I want you to enjoy yourself while I'm gone. All I ask of you is to make sure nobody escapes. And, if you think it is necessary, deal with them your way." Orochimaru smirks at the end of his sentence. 

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