Go get him

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I can't go back to him. Not after what he did to Eliza. I can't go back to him knowing that everything I thought he felt for me was a lie. How can Peggy forgive Hercules for this? How does the past not matter?



Angelica, please listen to me. I've tried to call you thousands of times. What can I do to show you I need you? I need you so much.


This isn't about me.




You shouldn't be with me. You should be with her! You would be happier!


How do you know that?


Alexander, leave me alone! I'm NOT your girlfriend. I don't even want to look at you! Don't try to call me. Don't try to text me. I don't need you!


But it's all in the past now! Please, just listen to me!

(Angelica blocks Alexander)

I slam my phone down on the floor. I need him. I need him so much! But I don't matter right now.

I knock on Eliza's door.

"Come in."

I open the door and walk in. She turns around.

"Hi." She smiles a little.

"Eliza, I-"

"I know. Peggy told me. I know it was a bet."

"I'm so sorry! I'm not going to carry on dating him! Don't worry! He-"

Eliza just laughs.

"Angelica, I'm over him. Old news. The past is the past. I know you love him and I'm not stopping you. It's only you doing that."

I frown.

"Eliza, do you really mean that?"

She nods, smiling.

"Yes! After breakups, it takes a while. You have to ease out of them slowly, you know? Forget and carry on with your life. If they don't love you, then it's just not meant to be. I've grown to accept that."

But after what he did to her, how can she just forget about it?

"Angelica, just take some time and focus on you. Not Peggy. Not me. You love him, so go get him."

"But you...."

"I'm over it."

Is she? Is she really? I'm not convinced...

Eliza grabs my hands and looks right into my eyes.

"I'm fine."

I sigh. She's not lying. I can tell.

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