The party heats up

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I step out of the car. I may be a bit under dressed. While Eliza and Peggy went all out on dresses and makeup, I just threw on whatever I saw first in my wardrobe. We thank dad for driving us and he gives us a stern warning. "Girls, no drugs, no boys, no baby-making. Have fun!" Dad says with a glint in his eye, and then he winds up the window and drives away.
I want to scream for him to come pick me up right now, but I'm seventeen. Surely this will be fine?
John strolls out of the house and grins. "So, who are these lovely ladies Angelica?"
Peggy giggles. "I'm Peggy!"
"My name's Eliza."
"Well, do you guys wanna come in. The real party isn't on the tarmac..."
We follow, into a corridor full of people dancing wildly to booming music. Like, Amazon jungle wildly.
"Let me introduce you to my friends..." John shouts, weaving through the crowd. There are so many people, it's suffocating.
We are introduced to three boys, Lafayette, Hercules and... Alexander.
I can't believe this. That extremely rude boy again. Did he just not take the hint before.
I glare at him.
John looks awkward. "I guess you've already met Alexander...."
Alexander, with his dark hair and intelligent green eyes, is very handsome. And that is infuriating.
"Ha!" Alexander chuckles. "I thought you didn't want to come to my party. Was it not posh enough for your standards?"
Peggy grinned. "This guy is so full of it. I hope you choke on your stupid party!"
"Oh...the fat one's feisty!"
Peggy is furious. "I'll SHOW YOU FEISTY-"
Peggy is about to go into frizzy hair karate kid mode when Eliza grabs her by the arm and walks her away.
I'm left alone, four boys staring at me.
It's really awkward.
"Well, Imma go." Alexander says. John heads off to get a drink.
"Uh, hi Hercules. Herc. I don't know what you would prefer..."
"Call me Herc. Everyone does."
I glance at Lafayette. He hasn't said anything the whole time.
"And would you like to be called Laf or Lafayette?"
He simply stares at me. I stare back. He's tall, with dark brown wavy hair, flirty brown eyes and chocolate skin.
I turn back to Herc. "Laf doesn't talk much usually?"
Herc gives me a mischevious smile.
"I thought you knew Laf doesn't speak English."
"Then how do you communicate?"
"I don't. Laf's a foreign exchange student from France and John's fluent so he translates."
Oh. That explains a lot. "Uh...bonjour!"
I say to Laf.
I think he understood me, but I can't be sure, because he suddenly flows into rapid french. "Bonjour. Enchanté. Je m'appelle Lafayette. J'ai dix-sept ans."
Herc looks just as confused as me.
It seems like everyone at this school caught the attractive bug because everyone I've met is so handsome. Herc, with his muscular body and dark skin. John, with his cheeky smile and ginger hair, face splattered with freckles.
I might as well go find Eliza and Peggy now, because this party sucks. I say my goodbyes to Herc and Laf, and go to find my sisters. I turn around a corner and I can't believe my eyes. ELIZA and ALEXANDER are making out against the wall. Jeez, they didn't have to wait long to get into each other's mouths. I feel a pang of jealousy and confusion. I thought Eliza said boys were "a waste of time." But in the end, Eliza's my sister and if she decides to kiss an absolute stranger, so be it I guess. I'm not jealous at all...

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