The movie date

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The_duck_gurl speaking. I'm just going to say, nothing against people with glasses. Just putting it out there. :)

Urgh. John Church? Remember him? How can you not. My "boyfriend" and the most annoying person I've ever met. (Other than possibly Alexander/Sister-cheater) When Eliza and Alexander were still together, Eliza begged me to go on another double date with her and Alexander to watch a movie at the cinema. Of course I couldn't say no. Now Eliza and Alexander can't do it obviously, so that leaves me and John....

I really wish I could ditch. But I won't. Because tonight I need to break up with John. We're in a completely loveless relationship and I've endured it enough. More than enough.

I shouldn't be downtown. Dad would get mad if he knew where I am. But that isn't what I'm worrying about right now.

"Angelica!" I turn to see John Church walking down the road to meet me.

"You look beautiful, darling." He grins, ogling me through his huge, black glasses.

He just called me darling. Urggghhhh.

I give him a strained smile. "Hi, John..."

He looks so happy, even that annoys me for some reason.

When do I break up with him? You know what, I'll do it after the movie is over. He leads me into the cinema and ten minutes later, we're sitting in seats at the front of the cinema with a big box of popcorn between us. Okay, Angelica. Just ENJOY the movie. It's supposed to be fun.

It's so hard to concentrate on the movie. John has my hand in his. It's all clammy and I really want to let go. He carries on munching popcorn REALLY loudly.

There's also this couple kissing passionately a few seats away. They're so loud......

I reach out and tap the woman on her shoulder to tell them to quieten down and she breaks lips with the man to turn to us, annoyed. I'm speechless. It's Peggy!

She widens her eyes when she sees me and removes her hands from Hercules's neck.

"Uhhh, hi Angelica..." She murmurs. Hercules glances and sees me and John.

"Yo Angelica!" He says, completely unfazed.

"Peggy! Why didn't you tell me!"

She rolls her eyes. "Angelica. You don't own me!"

"SSSSHHHHH!" Hisses someone far behind us.

I'm about to chew her out there and then when John grabs my hand gently.

"Babe! This is my fave bit!"

I turn to see this weird purple dog morph into a ninja and start attacking people on the big screen. I'm not surprised this is his favourite part. My favourite will be when it ends.

Eventually, Peggy and Hercules go back to making out. This is probably the most uncomfortable situation in my life.

John creeps his arm round my shoulder. Oh no! He's getting ideas. No, no, no! He's pulling me in for a kiss. NO, NO, NONONO! I discretely pull back a little, but I can tell he noticed.

Thirty minutes pass by but it feels like hours. This movie is so weird. It's basically centred around the purple ninja dog fighting cats. I think it's a kids movie. I bet Hercules and Peggy just picked this movie so they could make out in darkness and comfy seats.

I hate this so much. It gets to the point where I've counted all the tiles on the walls. Twice.

The moment the movie ends, I bolt out of my seat. "John, I have something to say-"

"Love, give me a moment."

He grabs his coat and drags me out of the cinema. He stops just out of the doors.

"John, I need to-"

He pulls me to him and kisses me. AAAGGGHHH! I push him back, surprised and disgusted. His face looks so hurt.


"John! I really need to break up with you!"

"But Angelica... I love you!"

He tries to grab my hand but I pull it away. Tears appear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's just not right for me!"

That's where I leave him standing under a lamp-post, broken. I feel so terrible, but it's for the best, because love shouldn't be torture. I feel like the invisible chains have been broken and I'm finally free from John. Maybe one day I'll find love, but not with him. Wrong place, wrong time.

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