Nothing but a game

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The_duck_gurl speaking. Thank you for 400 reads. By the way, crying is fine. It's good to let out your emotions instead of bottling them up. Also, chocolate is the best ice cream flavour. Just educating everyone. Okay I'll shut up. Back to the chapter. :)



Me and  the other guys are heading out for milkshakes after school. Do you wanna come?


Ok, sure. I'm gonna invite Eliza, Peggy and Maria though.


 Meet us at that place next to the library at 4. Seeyah.


Will do.

**Time skip**

Eliza didn't want to come. I'm not surprised. I would hate to be in her position sitting opposite my ex. But everyone else said they'd come, so here we are. Obviously, I feel terrible about leaving her behind. This is just like that time at the restaurant but with less silent awkwardness. Everyone is squeezed in round the table. We've all ordered our milkshakes now. I got chocolate. (The best flavour, FIGHT ME!)

"So.... You and Alexander are official?" Maria asks.

I flinch and glance over at John. 

"Yeah, yes he's my boyfriend now."

I feel like my relationship with Alexander will always feel illegal. Seeing Eliza and John and just thinking about how it is for them. But what was I supposed to do. They wanted me to date Alexander.

Hercules starts to suck his milkshake really loudly and everyone turns to look at him.


Peggy starts to laugh a little.

"Seriously, what?"

"You're just so frickin' CUTE!" Peggy giggles.

I hate to admit it, but Peggy and Hercules are cute together. So what he's older than her! It's Peggy's life, who am I to tell her what to do?

John suddenly clears his throat really loudly and the boys nod to each other. What's going on here?

Lafayette raises his hand and everyone turns to look at him.

"I speak English." He says, in a thick french accent.

"What?" Me and Peggy cry in unison.

"Urrr, yeah. It was a dare to pretend I couldn't speak English until... until something."


"You speak English?!" Peggy cries.

He nods.

"Well, hello I guess." I say, surprised.

"Also Angelica, your french sucks." Lafayette smirks.

"Merci! Greatly appreciated." I glare.

John elbows Alexander and shoots him a look.

"Oh, yeah. Angelica, I have something I need to tell you..."

"What?" I'm a little worried.

"Well.... Hercules, you go first!"

"Ok. Um, Peggy. Basically, there was this night where me and Alexander were kind of drunk and we may have placed a bet on who could get with the most Schuyler sisters...."

It takes a moment for the words to sink in. Angelica, you're so stupid! Why won't you even listen to yourself! You knew this was going to happen! You knew....

Everyone is holding their breath waiting for our reactions.

"Alexander, is this true?" I say, quietly.

"Please, listen to me-"

"Is this TRUE!"

"Yeah. Yes it's true but this doesn't change anything. I don't-"

I stand up. I can't sit next to him.

They BET on our hearts. Eliza is broken-hearted for no reason.

"Angelica! Don't leave, I can explain!"

I shake my head. Tears are racing down my face now. Angelica! Don't cry, you're too old to cry! 

"No. NO! No, you can't! I should've known girls are nothing but a game to you! How could you do that? How could you bet on something like that!"

Alexander stands up. He's moving closer.

"Please! I need-"

I slap him hard across the face. He deserves it. Eliza is heartbroken over him! I can't believe I fell for him! How could I have been so STUPID!

I rush out of the shop, tears falling behind me. Eliza and Peggy are my sisters and I should be taking care of them! Wow, Angelica. Nice job. Well done, do you want a medal?

How to break a heartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz