The double date

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Peggy stares at herself in the mirror. "I'm fat."
I hate the word fat. It's so rude. It's forcing a stereotype onto teens' shoulders. And we already have enough to worry about.
Eliza smiles kindly. "Peggy! Don't say that. You're my perfect little Pegs."
I hug Peggy tightly. "And if someone's telling you you're fat, I'll sort them right out..."
"Well," Eliza says. "Me and Angelica need to get ready for our double date!"
Peggy looks horrified. "With each other?!"
Eliza laughs softly. "No, silly. I'm going with Alexander and Angelica is going with her boyfriend."
"Urrgh. Don't call him that. I only agreed to this because I thought you wanted support-"
Peggy suddenly blurts into the middle of the conversation. "I'M IN LOOOVE!"
We glance at her quizzically.
"Who?" I inquire.
Peggy blushes. "I know! He kissed me."
I'm lost for words. My fourteen year-old sister has more of a love life than I do...

Eliza and I are seriously overdressed. We're wearing makeup and dresses and heels and everything, to McDonalds.... It was Eliza's idea. She practically attacked me with the curling tongs.

Twenty minutes later, I'm sitting in a booth in McDonalds with Eliza, Alexander and John. I've been watching John stare at his fork for ten minutes. He twists it round in his hand, admiring the light bouncing off. "Wow. What a complex design... The craftsmanship is beautiful!"
I inwardly groan and take a bite from my burger. The chewing is a distraction from the waste of time sitting next to me.
Alexander sees the awkward atmosphere and makes it worse. "Soooo, love is in the air for you two!" He says, midway through biting his burger.
I wince. John puts down his fork and smiles at me. "Yeah... It was love at first sight really."
I try not to puke. This is the worst (and only) date I've ever been on.
John starts nibbling his fries. They're drowning in ketchup and I can almost hear their little cries.
Alexander and Eliza start sucking a milkshake with separate straws. And I feel a pang of jealousy. Wow, I'm such a jealous bitch. I'm jealous that my sister has found love. With Alexander Hamilton. Why am I jealous? I should be happy, surely?
Eliza giggles. "Allie! You're hoovering up my milkshake! Sharing is a thing you know!"
It's sickening seeing that both Peggy and Eliza are already on their way to getting married and yet I haven't seen a glimpse of love. Is this what they call love, watching a weird boy admire a fork for ten minutes. If this is love... I don't get the excitement. People describe it as some sort of shiver up your spine, and then you know you've found something.
Is it me?
I'm sixteen, and other than a marriage in nursery, I've never had a boyfriend.
That's pretty sad.

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