John's secrets

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The_duck_gurl speaking. I'm just gonna say, I think this chapter is quite poorly written but I don't know. I'm not very familiar with LGBTQ+  so if I've made any mistakes which could be offensive or something, sorry. Also, I just thought that Americans spell loads of words different to where I live. Just ignore that if you're american please. :)

I'm lying in bed, a million thoughts rushing through my head. So.... he loves me. Or he says he does. Why? I don't deserve any of it.
Then my phone buzzes and I glance at it.


Meet me at school in ten.

Who are you?

It's John.



I walk through the school gates. John should be here. This is a little too much like that night on the roof...

John is sitting on the wall a few metres away.

"Oh, hi John." I say, walking over to him and sitting down. He sighs a deep sigh.

"John, please tell me what's wrong. I could help?"

"No! Not you! Especially not you..."

I'm a little hurt. What have I done?

"John, why did you want to meet me? It seems like you need a little space...."

This isn't normal John. His eyes aren't happy and full of life like usual. They're just sad. Sad and lonely.

"Angelica, it's so EASY for you!" He snaps.

Huh. I wish.

"John, it really isn't-"

Now he's crying, tears running down his freckly cheeks.

"You're beautiful! You're smart! It's so easy for you, living in a family that accepts you! You DON'T EVEN KNOW... You don't even..." He sobs, shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

I don't know what to say.

"He loves you.... Of course he does!"

"What's wrong?"

He calms down a little and wipes away his tears.

"Angelica, I'm gay."

Oh. I didn't know that.

"Oh. Um, okay."

"So, I have feelings for a guy. And I've loved him ever since I met him. And this guy likes a girl. And this girl is sitting on the wall next to me..."

I can't really believe it.

"Oh, John... You're in love with Alexander?"

"Do you hate me?"

"No! How could I?"

"I'm in love with your boyfriend."


"NO! He is not my boyfriend! He isn't! You- Did you tell Eliza that?!"

"No. No. The thing is, Angelica, my dad is homophobic. When I came out to him, it was like I wasn't his son anymore. Because I like boys. It just makes no sense to me. So, now I have to pay for my own meals and clothes and... everything really. That's why I'm a pizza boy."

"John! I wish I could help you out. I wish I could..."

"But you can't. So do me a favour. Alexander is in love with you and I know you feel the same. I can tell. I wish so much I could have that, but I can't. So please, please let him love you. Because he's never loved a girl before like he does with you. Just, do that for me."

Then he grabs his bag and walks away. Wow. John is gay and in love with Alexander. I didn't know that. I don't really know anything though, do I?

How to break a heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें