At the party

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Peggy wants something. I can tell. I'm eating a nutella sandwich, (pure goodness) when she strolls in and gives me a big smile. "I love you so much, big sis!"
I snort. "Peggy, whaddaya want?"
"Well a friend of mine is having a party round his place and you know dad isn't a fan of me going around on my own. So could you drive me? And could it be our Schuyler sister secret? You know...."
"Peggy, you know I hate driving!"
Dad made me take my driving test the moment I turned seventeen, mainly so I can chauffeur the others around. I hate driving though. Do I look like a frickin taxi to you?
Peggy pleads with her hands in front of her chest. "Please! My friends are all gonna be there and I want to go out so much!"
"What's in it for me?"
Peggy rolls her eyes. "You're my sister. I'm not gonna pay you to drive me down a road or two."
She gives me Peggy puppy dog eyes and I feel so guilty....
"Yes! You can see your boyfriend!" She says with a teasing smirk.
Urgggggggggggh. Crap.
John's been bugging me all day. I really wish I never went on that stupid date, because now I'm his "girlfriend".
I swear that boy is a curse. Everywhere I go, he's there to say something annoying. Like, I don't know... "Hey darling, did you know I have a zit on my forehead!" It's painful.

**Time skip**

We pull up into a parking space in front of a house and Peggy leaps out the moment the car stops. "Seeyah sis!"
And I'm left alone. I place my hands back on the steering wheel and turn it slowly. The car doesn't move. What?
I take out the key and put it on again.
I try again. Shit! The car's conked. Why now? I yank out the key and open the car door. I need to go get Peggy.
My feet tap up a set of steps to a big brown door and I open it cautiously. Suddenly, a wave of pounding music hits me right in the face. I'm dragged into a nearly pitch-black room brim-full  of sweaty teens. People in America really do seem to have a lot of parties.
It's impossible to find Peggy in this crowd! I weave through crowds, trying to find her. And then I see her. At the back. Locking lips with Hercules Mulligan. No!
I stride right over and grab Peggy's arm. "We're going home right now! RIGHT NOW!"
Peggy yanks her arm back. "No! You think you can boss me around, bitch! I'm myself. My rules."
"Peggy! The car broke down! We can't get home!"
Peggy smiles slyly. "I guess that means you're stuck here for now..."
And then she walks away. And I feel like a desert island in the middle of the sea. Peggy's left me here to die a slow, painful death. No, no. Who do I know round here? Please... PLEASE!
I see that Maria girl over in the corner. And I think I see John Church... Okay, I'm not gonna talk to him. Ever.
Someone grabs me on the elbow and spins me round and I turn to see John Laurens beaming at me. "Angelica! I didn't know you'd be here!"
I'm pleased to see a friendly face.
"Neither! I was just dropping Peggy off and then the car gave up. So I guess I'm here for a bit."
"Oh, Hercules could help with that."
"Hercules... He's a sister snogger and I don't like it."
"Oh come on! He's not as bad as Alexander!"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, he's been out with twenty two girls this term!"
I don't have high hopes for Eliza then. I know my sister like I know my own mind. You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. And that's why, though I don't think it will last, I have to leave them be.
Lafayette appears next to John and gives me a flirty smile. "Bonjour Lafayette!"
I turn back to John. "Where's Alexander?"
John shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe he didn't come."
I move past the crowd of overly-drunk teens and head over to the drinks table.
I grab a cup of what I think is apple juice and chug it. And then something makes me stop in my tracks.

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