Lunch with Maria

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You'd think I hate Maria for kissing Alexander. But honestly, I don't. She was SO drunk, swaying like a reed on her stilettos. And maybe she didn't know he was dating my sister. From what I've heard, he's dated a LOT of girls.
"Hey! From maths... Angelica right?"
Maria walks over, tossing her glossy dark hair over her shoulder.
"I just came to say... Sorry about the party. I was really drunk. I didn't really know he was dating your sister. We're cool, right?"
"Yeah. We're cool."
She smiles, and sits down opposite me. She pulls out an apple and starts to munch.
I think for a moment. "How many girls has Hamilton dated?"
"This term?"
Maria puts down her apple and starts counting on fingers.
"Ummm.... Twenty nine."
Wow. He's a player. He BETTER not do the same to my sister.
"A lot!"
Maria shrugs. "Honestly, I've dated more. Not that much."
I'm speechless. How can that not...
Maria reads my expression.
"Ha! Yeah, I've dated like forty. Just looking for the one I guess."
Maria is so beautiful, I bet it's easy for her.
"So... he's a player."
"Yeah, totally. When we were dating, he was always kissing other girls."
Why am I not surprised. But I guess, Eliza loves him. People change, maybe he'll be different to her...
"Wow, I've never had a boyfriend."
"False! You're going out with that John guy."
Oh... him. John.
"Oh I HATE him!"
Maria laughs. "Yeah, he was my boyfriend for a bit. He's really annoying."
"Why would you date him by choice? Actually, scratch that. Why would you stand in the same room as him by choice?"
Maria laughs again. "You're funny. I like you. I needed help with grades and he's really smart, so I got him to do my homework."
I'm surprised. "Why would you like me? You're popular and I'm that one sarcastic waste of time."
Maria drums her nails on the table. "You see, being popular can be SO annoying. You're always stepping on ice, and everyone cares about everything you do! So many people just try to make friends with you to scoot higher up the popularity ladder! But you don't seem like that. No filters. You just say exactly what you think, not caring what other people will say about you. I admire that."
We talk for a while, until one of her friends comes over and drags her off to talk about makeup or something.
And I smile, because as she walks away, she turns around and waves.
I've just made a friend.
It makes me happy.
But also, I can't stop thinking.... What do I tell Eliza. She loves Alexander, somehow. I love my sister so much. She and Peggy are the most important people in my life and I can't ruin it all for her. I just can't. So, I just hope that Alexander doesn't break her heart.

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