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"Okay, class! Reaching the end of your school experience, we want to prepare you for the world out there. So you will all be working in groups to write essays on the meaning of success. This work is due in a week." Mrs Lovett says.

I'm sitting in English, actually paying attention for once. English interests me. The things you can do with a pencil. The wars you can start and end with a single word. Also, Mrs Lovett is definitely my favourite teacher. She's the one teacher who teaches us things we didn't know.

I look around and it seems like no one else is enjoying this. Then my eyes fix on that boy Alexander at the back. Please DON'T put me in a group with him. He annoys me so much... The sister-player... Then I realise Alexander is staring right at me, a smirk plastered across his stupid face. I look away and back to the lesson.

"So, the groups will be...."

Don't make me work with him. Don't. You wouldn't dare! You wouldn't dare...

"Chloe Simpson, Angelica Schuyler, Tom Carter and Alexander Hamilton."

Is life mocking me. Seriously? Place me with him? Honestly, Chloe and Tom aren't a problem. They always have their phones out. I'll just do their essays for them. I don't mind. But I DO mind having the sister-player in my group.

Class speeds by, and I can't stop thinking about the group. How can I work with him? Will he even do any work. Will I have to do FOUR essays? I'm honestly surprised Alexander didn't skive English. He skives everything else!

After class, I'm walking out of the door when Alexander taps me on the shoulder. "Okay, so the others are idiots. You're gonna have to attemp conversation with me. Otherwise, we're not getting this thing done."

I snort. "I'm surprised you even BOTHERED to turn up to English. You don't for anything else!"

Alexander sighs. "Angelica, why do you hate me so much."

I guess he's not in that "ha-ha you're annoyed ha-ha" kind of mood today. "Why are you asking me that question? It must be pretty clear." I turn to walk away, but he stops me.

"Okay, fine. I kissed a girl, and I was dating another girl. How does that mean we can't be friends."

I'm confused. Literally, why does Alexander want to be friends with me.

"Because the other girl was my sister, you TWIG! Also, you're really rude and you called my sister fat!"

"Fine.... I kissed someone who wasn't your sister, and I said something rude. But everything's in the past. Plus, I'm a twig now?"

"Shut up. Just because something's in the past doesn't mean it doesn't MATTER! My mum died in the past, and does that not matter?"

Alexander's face looks unreadable when I say that.

"Angelica, why is the relationship between me and Eliza your business. You don't know me, so don't school me about love when you've only ever had one boyfriend."

Urgh...... I hate being John's "girlfriend." I think I might just ignore the last comment he made. But how did he know that? Did Eliza tell him.

"Because you're cheating on my sister! It matters!"

"Then why haven't you told her?"

Why haven't I told her? She deserves to know where her boyfriend's tongue has and hasn't been. You know what, I'm going to tell her. I don't know why I haven't told her already.

"You're right. I'll tell her, sister-player!"

Alexander doesn't really seem surprised or upset.

I knot my eyebrows. "Most boys would be at least a little surprised or sad or something...."

He just looks at me. I'm annoyed. He needs to say something snobby so I can hate him more.

"Angelica, you know. You're pretty intense. Not that easy to talk to. Lighten up."

I'm not intense.... The bell rings, just when I think that.

"You know what, sister-player? I have places to be, things to do. Classes to be late to. More interesting conversations to be had. Bye!"

I walk away.

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