You're blushing!

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Eliza walks into my room. She sits down next to me. This reminds me of that dream I had...

"Angelica, I know you love Alexander."

I bolt up from my bed. No, no, NO!

"NO! I don't! Eliza, I- I'm so sorry..."

"Angelica, I heard you with dad. I know you, don't deny it." She says quietly.

"I- I- I...." I stutter.

"I see the way he looks at you. He loves you."

I'm speechless. She knows.

"Eliza, I can't-"

She puts a finger on my lips.

"Shhhh. Angelica, you love him. He loves you. It's OK for you to date him."

"But Eliza, I- I- could never do that to hurt you!"

She laughs quietly.

"Angelica, your happiness matters just as much as mine. I love him, but love fades. And I've never seen you so sad the way you are right now. So please, date him if you want to. The thing that hurts the most is seeing you like this."

"No. I can't. No way. You love him."

She grabs my hands and looks right at me.

"I'm OK."

"No. I'm not doing it. You're my sister and-"

"Angelica! Listen to me! I'm fine. Date Alexander. Do it for me. I mean it."

Should I? I mean, what about John? Don't think I forgot about him... Oh, I don't know.

You know what, I love him. Eliza wants me to, John wants me to. Anything for them.

**Time skip**

After English, I wait for Alexander outside. What if he's just gonna play me? What if this is all a joke?

He walks out of the door, and tries to walk past me but I stop him. He won't look in my eyes.

"Alexander... I have something I need to tell you."

"I thought you wanted me to leave you alone. What now? Why are you doing these things? I'm human, I have feelings!" He snaps.

I try to touch his hand but he pulls it back.

"Alexander... I-"

"Don't touch me. Don't even try. You don't even know what I've gone through trying to forget about you!"

"You're mad at me because I care about my sister?!"

"Yes! Because that's ALL you care about! I lay down my feelings in front of you and all you can think of is your sister's approval! You don't care about anyone else!"

I'm furious. Why doesn't he get it?

"That's not true! My sisters are my everything! They stay with me, no matter what! But I don't NOT CARE about anyone else! I care about you SO much! I- I love you..."

Alexander's face softens a little. He looks at me right in my eyes.

"You really mean that..."

"Yes! Of course..."

"Angelica, you're really beautiful. You know that, right?"

Ha ha! Funny joke. No.

I blush a little.

"Ha! You're blushing!"

I glare at him.

"Shush. Seriously, why do I even like you."

"I ask myself that question every day."

"How dare you...." I gasp, fake-shocked.

He smiles.

"Angelica, can I kiss you?"

"In the corridor?"


"When we should be at class?"

"Looks like it."

"Ummm.... OK."

"I mean, only if you want to."

"Just do it!"

He pulls me to him and our lips meet. I feel so safe in his arms. How could I ever deny how I feel about him? He's so perfect. Why does he even like me?

I pull away. Alexander looks a little hurt.


"Why do you like me?"

"Why are you even asking that question? You're perfect!"

"No.... You are!"

"Angelica, you're smart. You're beautiful. You're funny. You're kind. You're blushing!"

"I don't think so..."

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