“What’s your name new girl,” Kacy asked. I looked her way and said, “Eve.” She nodded and turned back to face Hank who continued to stare at me. “Well let’s start class. We’ll split up into groups of three and I want you to act out the following scene in front of the class. One of you will be the victim. One of you will be the villain. One of you will be the hero. You have two minutes to discuss,” she said and Ranger faced me. “I call the villain,” he said. “Why do you get to be the villain,” I asked. He shrugged and said, “I like the bad characters. More fun you know.” I looked at Fran and she just shrugged. “Victim,” I asked her and she nodded. So that means I was stuck being the hero.

“I’ll mostly be talking to you since my poor Frana banana doesn’t want to talk,” Ranger said. Fran nodded and I agreed. “Ok. How about your group first Kacy,” Ms. Emarti said and Kacy walked up to the front with Hank and Hansel. “Begin,” Ms. Emarti said. “Please d-don’t hurt me,” Kacy said and took a few steps back. “Sorry love but you have something I want. Something I plan to get with or without your approval,” Hank said with a grin. He stepped closer to Kacy and she stepped back. She really looked like she was scarred for her life.

“You touch her and you won’t live to see another day,” Hansel said pulling Kacy into her arms and extending an arm. “I should have known you would show up sister,” Hank said and Hansel smiled. “Of course dear brother,” she said and the twins glared at each other until Ms. Emarti started to clap. “Very good group one. A little more threat on your part Hank and a few more words on yours Hansel would have been great. Your emotion was very nice Kacy,” Ms. Emarti said and they took their seats. “Ok how about your group next Fran,” Ms. Emarti said and we stood up. When Ms. Emarti said begin, Fran ran into my arms crying. “Release her and you can walk away un-harmed,” Ranger said with emotion in his voice. “I can’t do that. She’s an innocent girl and deserves better,” I said. Ranger raised an eyebrow at me but I was just repeating from an old movie I used to watch.

Ranger smiled and said, “She’s my daughter and I will do what I want with her.” So he’s seen that movie too. “I will not let you take her,” I said and comforted Fran. “I will take her in as my own. You can just run back to the filthy place you call a home,” I said and Ranger laughed. “Fine have her. She’s your child I stole from you anyway,” Ranger said and I gasped in fake shock while Ranger continued to smile. We stayed that way until Ms. Emarti clapped. “Very nice you two but why do I have a feeling that your scene came from a lifetime movie,” Ms. Emarti asked. “Who knows Ms. E,” Ranger asked and we took our seats. “Nice acting,” I said. “It helps when I’ve seen the movie seventeen times,” he said and I smiled.

When we finished that exercise Ms. Emarti looked around the room. “What makes the world go around? What is the hardest emotion for two people to feel together,” Ms. Emarti asked. “Love,” someone said and Ms. Emarti nodded. “I will pick the groups and I want you to act out your version of love. Let’s start with Kacy and George,” Ms. Emarti said. Kacy frowned a little but stood up anyway. She had to act out love with a guy wearing thick glasses and a few pimples. “I don’t have to kiss him or anything right,” Kacy asked. “Just feel the scene. If you feel you should then do it,” Ms. Emarti said. Kacy took a deep breath and held George’s hands. When Ms. Emarti said began Kacy began to cry. “I’m sorry but we just can’t be together anymore,” she said. “Why? What can I do to make your tears go away,” he asked and reached for Kacy’s face.

Kacy turned her face and took a step back. “You can do nothing for me. This is something that I shouldn’t feel for you. We should separate before it gets worse,” Kacy said. “Is it love? I love you very much and want to be with you forever,” George said. If this wasn’t acting class I would have thought George was making a serious confession. Kacy turned to face him and pulled George into a hug while crying on his shoulder. “I-I love you too,” she said and they embraced until Ms. Emarti clapped. The two broke away and Ms. Emarti said, “Very nice you two. Maybe I little more confusion from you George. Next I want to see Fran and Ranger.” Fran and Ranger walked to the front and when Ms. Emarti said begin Ranger started the scene off. “I can’t take this anymore! I see you with other guys and do you know how I feel?! It makes my blood boil and my skin crawl,” Ranger said. Fran started to cry and clutched her chest.

“I hope it hurts! Hurt the way you’ve hurt me! Do you feel that? I felt that for weeks and then I catch you in a café with another man?! I won’t do this anymore,” Ranger said and turned to leave but Fran grabbed his shirt. Ranger looked back and Fran smashed her lips on Ranger’s. My mouth dropped and when I looked around a few other’s jaws were dropped too. When Fran pulled back slowly she rested her head on Ranger’s chest. Ranger sighed and said, “I guess I’ll take you back. I love you after all.” Ms. Emarti clapped and Fran smiled. “Didn’t know you loved me so much Franny,” he said and Fran hit his arm.

“I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Very nice you two,” Ms. Emarti said and when the two made their way toward me I quickly tried to hide my expressions. “For two people who aren’t a couple that was some serious acting,” I said. Fran shrugged and Ranger said, “Just an easy A to me. Plus Fran is a good kisser when she wants to be.” Fran blushed and Ms. Emarti called my name. “Eve I want you and Hank,” she said. Just an easy ‘A’ right? I walked to the front and looked at Hank confused. How is love supposed to feel? “Just let me lead,” Hank whispered and I nodded. When Ms. Emarti said begin Hank pulled me close to him and raised me up so that I was on my toes.

“I would never hurt you. I promise to be with you forever. Will you let me love you,” Hank asked. I blushed and looked to the side. Don’t girls act shy at this part? ‘I-I don’t know what to say,” I said. “Just say yes. Say yes and I’ll take care of the rest. I don’t care what your father thinks of us,” he said. “But my father would kill you if he found out about us,” I said trying not to let Hank do all the work. He turned my head toward his and whispered, “Be mine and I’ll protect you.” I nodded and Hank kissed my lips gently and stayed there until Ms. Emarti started to clap.

Hank let me go and I resisted the urge to touch my lips. I looked at Kacy and she was shooting daggers at me. “Very nice you two. I could almost feel the forbidden love in the air. You two will have to work together more. I see great emotional chemistry,” Ms. Emarti said and then it was time to go to the next class. “Kacy’s going to kill you,” Ranger said. “I thought this was just an easy ‘A’,” I said. Fran shook her head no and gave me a sympathetic look. “Not when it comes to Kacy’s stuff. Just be careful,” Ranger said and patted my shoulder.

Why do I feel like I’ve made an enemy?


Ok guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment!

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