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"Aren't you cold?" Jeno asked, looking at my bare arms.

"Yeah, just a bit." He nodded his head and we kept on walking.

"Yah, both of you are so slow!" Chenle shouted, he's was far ahead. "Hurry up!"

We both looked at each other ran to Chenle.

"The sky is so dark.."

I agreed and stared up, gazing at the stars again. "It's beautiful, it's a good thing we came out when it was dark." I thanked Jeno, but I still felt a little paranoid from the voice I had heard earlier. It's like it was in my head.

"Hey, princess~"

Stop calling me that.

"Get used to it, you're my soulmate."

I hate that name, can't you call me something different?!

"No, I like it. The name and a nice ring to it."

The feeling of cold hands came and played with my hair, but when I looked back, again, no one was there.

"Thank goodness it's not a full moon.." I heard Chenle say under his breath. I heard him clear, but I wanted him to say it again.

"What?" I cocked my head it the side and looked at his side-profile. His eyes following the stars, his mind traveling around.

"Nothing." Chenle looked down at me as we were walking and smiled.

"I heard you say something, I'm your best friend! Tell me~" I begged, annoyingly. Chenle just ignored me and kept walking, to keep up with Jeno.

"Princess, do you want to be kidnapped the nice way are the hard way? Also, you can't get away from me, you're human I'm a vampire."

I told you to stop calling me that.

"I told you, it has a nice ring to it~ You fit the name perfectly."

I don't want to be kidnapped at all!

"That's not a choice."

Just stop.

"Yah! Hurry up, you're the one whose slow now!" Jeno yelled at the top of the cliff. I raised my head and ran towards them.

"You were so far back!" Chenle laughed.

"Sorry, somethings just caught on my mind." I sighed.

"Is that thing me, Princess~"

You're so annoying! Leave me alone!

"I'm annoying? Your friend sounds like a dolphin!"

I- ugh.

"Do you guys wanna go further into the forest?" I pointed to where I wanted to go and they agreed.

"Let's go~" Chenle screamed, making my eyes squint from the loud noise, nevertheless, we started walking again.

I giggled and started running away from them. They chased behind me.

"Yah, wait up!" Jeno started running and came and tackled me into a hug. I shivered into his embrace again when the cold hands started to touch me once more.

Is that you?

"Is that me what?"

Are you stroking your hands across my back?

"No, I'm not even close enough to even touch you!"

Are you lying to me?

"Nope, I can see you, I can't touch you."

Then who's touching me?!

"Umm, your friend?"

You're annoying.

"Why are you shivering? Are you cold?" Jeno pointed out. "Do you want my jacket?"

I was still shivering, I didn't have enough time to answer either because he put his jacket on top my shoulders.

"Thanks Jeno-yah." I pulled the jacket closer to me.

"Aww so sweet!" Chenle joked. "Let's keep walking."
Yo yo yo, reload bitttccchh

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