Prologue Part 1

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She takes a step towards the ledge and remembers the boy who, not long ago, stood in her place.

His name is on the tip of her tongue but she can't bring herself to say it, or to even think it. It would mean admitting the truth, it would mean confronting her crippling regret. They could have been great together; a strong and iconic couple that others admired and looked up to. She imagines her future with him. It's beautiful and perfect but only on the surface. The picture starts to blur together to reveal more lies and secrets, something she absolutely can't tolerate.

She produces a blank piece of paper from the inseam of her blazer, and starts to fold and crease it, channeling her memories with the boy on the rooftop into the plane.

Then she sends it off.

The contraption ambitiously soars towards the courtyard. The wings begin to tremble, prepared to crash land, but the wind won't allow it. It's strong enough to guide the plane off the school grounds and far into the distance.

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