Chapter 47

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"Do you really want to go back?"

He thought he already answered that question, why was he asking him again? Mo Xuanyu didn't dare to let his heart hope again. It was enough, he just wanted to rest now and forever.

"I do."


The voice said and Mo Xuanyu closed his eyes to welcome the darkness once again. He knew he wasn't going to heavens. For the people like him even the Subterranean Realm was considered a place of worth. Well who was he to complain, it was his choice after all.

He waited for the screams to consume him once more, to tear his sanity apart, to eat away his throbbing heart but it didn't come. He was still in the place where he was.

"Ah, Master?"


"Aren't you going to take me back?"

"I just asked you if you want to go back or not? I didn't say I'd take you there. If you really want to go, do it yourself."

"..." Okay that was not what Mo Xuanyu expected.



"Aren't you here to take my body so you could come back?"

"I told you it's too short. I hate it when Jiang Cheng gives that satisfied look. He's practically looking down on me." The voice wasn't pleased at all. Wei Wuxian was always the dominant one at everything and now that his height was shorter than Jiang Cheng, he realized how awful it felt to be mocked by one you mocked once. That karma was too much for Yiling Patriarch.

"Then why are you here?"

"I was trying to reach to Wen Ning, but something is wrong him which I'm not quite sure yet." The voice said as if thinking deeply into something. He had reached to Wen Ning before through his dream. It was just a way to remind Nie Huaisang about his part of the deal. And now he couldn't reach him that way. Did something happen to Wen Ning? That would be impossible since he's a fierce corpse.

"That's why you reached me? You need me to provide you with information what about is happening around here? Or do you want me to prepare and array for you?" Mo Xuanyu was demonic cultivator and he could easily prepare an array for his Master if he asked him to, right? Why else would someone like Mo Xuanyu be contacted to? Wasn't he just the worst at everything? Wasn't he the most unfortunate one of all? Even the second chance in life was wasted on someone like him?

"Not really, I was just bored."


The most difficult task for Mo Xuanyu was indeed to understand Yiling Patriarch. He was nothing like how people described him, Unpredictable like the wind and firm like the waves.

"Don't mind me, you go ahead and do what you were about to do." Wei Wuxian said in the most relaxed voice. Mo Xuanyu almost felt that Yiling Laozou was on vacation.

"Master I don't know how to..." How to kill myself again? He couldn't sacrifice his soul to just anyone. He did summon Yiling Patriarch to execute revenge on his family but deep down he knew that Yiling Patriarch wasn't evil. He could feel it whenever he got to study his scriptures. It was like a child with imaginations. With dreams to change the world and live in it peacefully. If Mo Xuanyu summoned just any dark creature it would bring a lot of disaster, which he rather not causes. Maybe he could sacrifice his soul for Nie Mingjue?

"Don't think of summoning Chifeng-Zun, I just fixed his soul, it's still unstable."

"Master!" as if he read his thoughts.

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